Vishwamitra Praneet Rinnharta Jyeshtha Lakshmi Sadhana
29 October 2017
Jyeshtha Lakshmi Sadhana
Brahmarishi Vishwamitra presents a vivid example of the power of human determination and illustrates how even the rules of creation can be transformed using this power. Brahmarishi Vishwamitra even granted the boon of ‘Brahma-Gayatri‘ Mantra to humans. Rishi Vishwamitra is the Lord of the Third chapter (containing 62 rules) out of the ten chapters of the holy Rigveda, which is as follows –
Tatsaviturvarenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo NaH Prachodayaat
The humans received the Gayatri Mantra through the grace of Brahmarishi Vishwamitra, and the glory of this mantra is world-famous.
The life of Brahmarishi Vishwamitra illustrates the definition of perfection. Brahmarishi Vishwamitra attained Brahmatatva on the basis of knowledge-wisdom and asceticism, even after being born as a Kshatriya as King Kaushik. The Kshatriya strength of Brahmarishi Viswamitra got defeated against the Brahma strength of Rishi Vashishtha in a scriptural debate. Vishwamitra decided to attain Brahmatatva and performed penance for 1000 years. Lord Brahma Himself granted him the title of “Rajarshi” , being pleased with his austerities. Vishwamitra made Apsara-Nymph Menaka as his spouse, whom Indra had sent to ruin his austerity. He tried to send his disciple King Trishanku to Heaven in his physical form, and created a new heaven when the rules of creation posed a problem.
Rajarshi Vishwamitra attained Brahmatatva through his diligence, passion, enterprise, asceticism and tenacity. He also got the good fortune of becoming Guru of Lord Vishnu in His Rama Avataar. He not only arranged Lord Shree Ram’s marriage to Mother Sita, he also ensured the path of victory for Shree Ram through “Vijay Kriyamaan Sadhana” during Lanka-war when Ravan kidnapped Sita.
The core principle of Brahmarishi Vishwamitra was – “Confront the Challenges head-on and Conquer them“.
Vishwamitra and Lakshmi
The ashram of Brahmarishi Vishwamitra started disintegrating in absence of wealth, and he bound Goddess Lakshmi with Divine Mantras. He did not plead to anyone, rather he established Mother Lakshmi in his ashram in Her Thousand forms through the power of Mantras. Vishwamitra attained unique glory by establishing the complete form of Goddess Lakshmi in his ashram.
Brahmarishi Vishwamitra has granted the blessing of “Jyeshtha Lakshmi Sadhana” to the general public trapped in the vicious circle of debt.
Once Yaksha had questioned Yudhishthir – “Who is Happy?”
Yudhishthir had answered – “One who is debt-free, is Happy.”
Debt is the biggest obstacle in the path of perfection. The happiness and peace of the mind of the debt-trapped victim gets pawned. Any increase in income gets offered to the debt repayment. The debt flourishes in poverty. The Vishwamitra composed “Jyeshtha Lakshmi Sadhana” is mandatory for people trapped in such situations.
In reality, the absence of wealth transforms a person into a corpse. Poverty is a curse in Kali-Yuga and a person stricken with poverty commits hundreds of sins. Poverty has a special contribution in straying a person from the righteous path of religion. It is also said that – “Bhukhe Bhajan Na Hoya Gopala, Le Lo Apni Kanthi Mala“, i.e. devotion is strongly linked to food.
This poverty is generated either from inactions-laziness or from debt. When one spends far more in excess than income, then debt automatically arrives, but this debt is always accompanied with his brother interest, who consumes the income. Entry of debt into relationships throws out mutual love. Therefore, it is said that – “Debt is the scissor-cutter to love“. You might be in a very deep relationship, just try to give loan, either the relationship will break, or the hope of return of loan.
Some people believe in the Charvak theory and take loan to maintain a life of high standard and luxury.
The proponents of this “Yavat Jeevet Sukham Jeevet, Rinnam Kritvaa Ghritam Pibet” theory not only throw themselves into poverty, but also push their progeny into penury.
Akshaya Lakshmi –
Debt is the biggest obstacle in the path of attaining permanent Akshaya Lakshmi because the debt bogs down your earnings. You earn good enough, but the EMIs eat into your savings. You can very well survive on a small house or a small car. Nainital is a good place for holidays but repeated spending done through EMIs will make you poor. Vishvamitra Praneet Jyeshtha Lakshmi Sadhana is like a boon for those engulfed in the debt-trap.
The eighth verse of Shree-Sukta has a prayer for the destruction of elder sister of Lakshmi –
Kshutpipaasaamalaam Jyeshthaalakshmin Naashyaabhyaham
Abhutisamriddhim Cha Sarvaa Nirnuda Mem Grihaat
Alakshmi or Poverty is the elder sister of Lakshmi and debt has a major role in the advent of poverty. If you spend much more than your income, then you yourself will have to bear the sufferings.
Akshaya Navami – Jyeshtha Lakshmi Sadhana
The Aamvalaa Navami or Akshaya Navami (29 October 2017) of Shukla Paksha of Kartik month is the most auspicious muhurath to attain permanent Akshaya Lakshmi and get out of the debt trap. You can obtain riddance from this debt trap in your life by performing the “Jyeshtha Lakshmi Sadhana” composed by Vishwamitra.
The mandatory required items for this Sadhana are Mantra consecrated-enlivened-sanctified “Jyeshtha Lakshmi Yantra“, “Nine Lakshmi Siddhi Shreephal” and “Jyeshtha Lakshmi Mala“. These phals are symbolic forms of the Shakti powers of Jyeshtha Lakshmi, and they should certainly be worshipped.
Sadhana Procedure
First, you should setup Guru Picture/ Statue/ Yantra/ Paduka in front of you and after performing panchopchaar worship of Guru, obtain blessings for success in Sadhana from Gurudev. The Sadhak should definitely chant 1 mala rosary-round of Guru Mantra after performing Guru worship.
|| Om Param Tatvaaya Naaraayanaaya Gurubhayo Namah ||
After completion of Guru worship, perform Sadhana as follows –
Om Asya Shree Jyeshthaa Lakshmee Mantrasya BrahmaarishiH AnushtupchandaH | Jyeshthaalakshmee Devataa Hreem Beejam | Shreem ShaktiH Mamaabhishtasiddhyarthe Jape ViniyogaH |
Now meditating on the Jyeshtha Lakshmi, setup the Yantra in a copper plate on a seat of flowers –
Om Rakta Jyeshthaayei Vidmahe Neela Jyeshthaayei Dheemahi Tanno Lakshmee Prachodayaat ||
Now taking fragrant flowers in hand, sensing the presence of Jyeshtha Lakshmi in the Yantra, chant following Mantra –
Om Samvinamaye Pare Devi Paraamrita Rasa Priye |
Anagyaam Dehi Jyeshthaayei Parivaaraarchanaaya Me |
The Nine Shreephals symbolize the Shakti powers of nine forms of Jyeshtha. Now set them up starting from East direction, chanting following Mantras –
- Om Lohitaakshyei NamaH ||
- Om Virupaayei NamaH ||
- Om Karaalyei NamaH ||
- Om Neel Lohitaayei NamaH ||
- Om Samadaayei NamaH ||
- Om Vaarunyei NamaH ||
- Om Pushtayei NamaH ||
- Om Amoghaayei NamaH ||
- Om Vishwamohinyei NamaH ||
Now the Sadhak should draw a circle around the Sadhana materials using Ashtgandha and light lamp in four directions. You should definitely chant 5 mala rosary-round of the Mantra using Jyeshtha Lakshmi Mala –
Jyeshtha Lakshmi Mantra
|| Ayeim Hreem Shreem Jyeshthaalakshmi Swayambhuve Hreem Jyeshthaayei NamaH ||
Thereafter, the Sadhak should cover all the material with a plate and repeat the same procedure next day. After repeating this for seven days, the Sadhak should later chant only Jyeshtha Lakshmi Mantra.
A Sadhak who manages to chant one lakh mantras, does not have to face any kind of debt related obstruction in his life. Immerse the entire material in a river or pond after completion of Mantra chanting.
Sadhana Materials – 470 / –