Veer Vital Sadhana
Shiva Kalpa
Maagh Shukla Pratipada 28 January 2017
to Holi Parv 12 March 2017
Veer Vetaal Sadhana
Flow of Invisible Power
Have you ever thought about the flow of invisible powers within the universe. You cannot see many powers, but it does not mean that those powers do not exist. Vetaal is the main Gana of Lord Shiva, who setup Lord Shiva’s primacy by destroying the Yagya of King Daksha. Every person can setup a protection ring around himself by performing the Vetaal Sadhana. Vetaal Sadhana is a unique Tantrik Sadhana, in which Vetaal remains with the Sadhak and protects him at all times.
Vetaal is a microsome of Lord Shiva. Vetaal is a prominent primary Gana of Lord Shiva. The divine powers of Vetaal, primary Gana of Lord Shiva has motivated Sadhaks to perform Sadhana of Vetaal, since ancient ages.
History bears witness that Lord Shree Krishna also accomplished Vetaal Siddhi prayog in Sandipan ashram, which granted him invincibility in the Mahabharata. He remained protected even while facing thousands of arrows. King Vikramaditya also resolved many problems of his life by accomplishing Vetaal Siddhi prayog.
Later Guru Gorakhnath and Macchindernath became accomplished masters of Vetaal Sadhana and they easily acquired many spiritual accomplishments in their life. The Gorakh panth prominently conducts this Vetaal Sadhana even today, which was described by Guru Gorakhnath, great Tantra Master and initiating Guru of Gorakh Tantra.
Origin of Vetaal
Once King Daksha organized a huge yagna. He did not appropriately honour Lord Shiva in that organization, which distressed His spouse Sati, who was daughter of King Daksha. She jumped into the sacrificial fire and gave up her life. This made Lord Shiva very angry, the three universes got terrified of his anger, the leaves fell from the trees, the lightening started flashing every where and a furious tempest thundered in the sea.
In this furious rage, Lord Shiva tore a braid from His hair and offered it in the sacrificial Yagya fire of King Daksha. This resulted in origin of a highly stunning, strong, courageous, heroic personality, who was named as Vetaal.
All the Gods and Demons trembled with fear upon seeing the origin of Vetaal from the Yagya fire, his stunning flames started scorching all the Gods, and it seemed that this mighty personality could easily pick up and throw the entire earth into the ocean.
Lord Shiva Himself commanded Vetaal, who originated from His Shakti that – You should stay in gentle form with the Sadhaks who perform your Sadhana, and protect them throughout their life like a shadow… moreover it will be your duty to obey all the commands which the Sadhak directs you to.
Goraksh Sanhita states following benefits from performing Vetaal Sadhana –
- There is no need to be afraid of Vetaal Sadhana, it is a very gentle and simple Sadhana. A gentle and simple natured Vetaal manifests in human form upon accomplishing of Vetaal Sadhana, and He completes the tasks of the Sadhak like a slave throughout his life.
- He accompanies the Sadhak like a shadow in an invisible form after accomplishing of the Vetaal Siddhi, and protects him at each and every moment. The natural calamities, arms-armaments or humans cannot harm him in any way, no accident can harm him in his life, and premature death is impossible.
- The enemies cannot exist in this Sadhak’s life. He acquires courage to defeat his enemies in a few moments. His brave life is trouble-free and iron-bars or hard-walls cannot confine him.
- Vetaal possesses clairvoyant skills, so he can immediately provide accurate answers to whatever questions are asked about current life or about future. Such a person becomes a true clairvoyant.
Such a Sadhak can accomplish even the most difficult tasks through medium of Vetaal. He can fetch any person, wherever he is, towards him, even with his bed. He can similarly send any person back, and can obtain any type of confidential-secret materials.
- After accomplishing Vetaal Sadhana, the Sadhak becomes invincible, brave, dynamic and strength. He can himself perform tasks of thousand persons.
In reality, the Vetaal Sadhana is an extremely simple and gentle Sadhana, whoever practices Lord Shiva’s Sadhana, can easily accomplish Vetaal Sadhana. Vetaal is also very attractive and gentle, similar to gentle nature of Lord Shiva. Any man or woman can perform this Sadhana.
Although it is a tantrik practice, it is free from any blemish or taboo. Any Gayatri-worshipper or God-worshipper, any person of any class, can achieve success in his life by performing this Sadhana.
The biggest fact is that there is no need to be afraid of this Sadhana, it can also be accomplished at one’s own home. Nothing changes in the Sadhak’s life after accomplishment of this Sadhana, rather he gets filled with courage and intensity. Therefore, he can eradicate problems, shortcomings, obstacles and sufferings from his own life himself.
The Vetaal Sadhana is very necessary and significant in today’s age. Unfortunately very few people have authentic knowledge about this Sadhana practice, and Sadhaks used to fear from the very word “Vetaal”. But the reality is different. As the Sadhaks perform Lakshmi, Vishnu or Shiva Sadhanas, similarly they can easily accomplish Vetaal Sadhana.
Sadhana Duration
This Sadhana can be performed on any day during the Shiva Kalpa from January 28, 2017 to March 12, 2017. The Vetaal Siddhi Diwas is falling this year on Falgun Shukla Tritiya of Shiva Kalpa (01 March, 2017). It is considered extremely fruitful to accomplish Sadhana during this auspicious muhurath. The chances of success in the Sadhana increase manifold if the Sadhana is performed in this month.
Sadhana Materials
There is no requirement of any specific Sadhana materials or special worship in this Sadhana. According to Tantrik scriptures, only three major articles are required in this Sadhana.
- Tantrokt Vetaal Yantra
- Rudra Mantra Aaveshit Taantrokt Vetaal Mala
- Picture of Lord Shiva
There is no need of any other Sadhana material like water-tumbler, kumkum etc. This Sadhana is accomplished within the night. The Sadhaks who do not get terrified or distracted, can certainly perform this Sadhana.
Sadhana Procedure
The Sadhak should take bath after 10 pm in night, and should not touch anything after the bath. After wearing an earlier dried black dhoti, he should sit facing South direction, in a corner or solitary place in the house on a black seat-asana.
Set-up Guru Picture/ Guru Statue/ Guru Paaduka/ Guru Yantra on a wooden-board in front of yourself and also setup picture of Lord Shiva. You should surely obtain blessings from Guru for success in Vetaal Sadhana. First meditate on the divine form of Gurudev Nikhil –
GururBrahmaa GururVishnuH Gururdevo MaheshwaraH |
GuruH Saakshaat Par Brahmaa Tasmei Shree Guruve NamaH ||
After Nikhil meditation, bathe the Guru Picture / Statue/ Yantra / Paduka with water –
Om Nikhilam Snaanam Samarpayaami ||
Then wipe with a clean cloth. Perform Panchopchaar worship-poojan with Kumkum (Vermilion), Akshat (Unbroken rice), Pushpa (Flowers), Neivedh (Sweets/Fruit offering), Dhoop (Incense) – Deep (Lamp); chanting following mantras –
Om Nikhilam Kumkum Samarpayaami |
Om Nikhilam Akshtaan Samarpayaami ||
Om Nikhilam Pushpam Samarpayaami ||
Om Nikhilam Neivedhyam Nivedayaami ||
Om Nikhilam Dhoopam Aardhyaapayaami, Deepam Darshayaami ||
(Show Dhoop, Deep)
Now rotate three Achmaani (spoonful) water around the Guru Picture / Statue/ Yantra / Paduka and drop it on ground. Then chant 1 rosary-round of Guru Mantra with Guru Mala –
Om Param Tatvaaya Naaraayanaaya Gurubhayo Namah
After completing Guru poojan, draw a circle on an iron-plate or a steel-plate with Kajal, and setup Mantra consecrated and enlivened Vetaal Yantra within that circle. After setting up the Yantra, meditate on Vetaal with folded hands.
Dhoomra-Varna Mahaa-Kaalam Jataa-Bhaaraanvitam Yajet
Tri-Netra Shiv-Roopam Cha Shakti-Yuktam Niraamapam ||
Digambaram Ghor-Roopam Neelaanjhan-Chaya-Prabham
Nirgun Cha Goonaadharam Kaali-Sthaanam PoonaH PoonaH ||
After meditation, chant 101 mala (rosary-rounds) of following Mantra with Vetaal Mala. This small-looking Mantra is highly significant, and it has been praised highly even in Munda Mala Tantra.
Vitaal Mantra
|| Om Vitaal Yaksha Yaksha Ksham Ksheem Kshoom Ksheim KshaH Swahaa ||
Do not get lazy during this Mantra chanting of 101 malas, continue to chant quietly with full consciousness. Do not get up from your place even if you feel any vibrations on the windows or doors. Offer Besan-laddoos to the Yantra after completion of Mantra chanting. Thus this Sadhana gets accomplished.
Next day morning, after completing bath etc., the sadhak should offer that Vetaal Yantra, Vetaal Mala and bhoga-offering in a temple or immerse in a river, pond or a well. Setup pictures of Lord Shiva and Gurudev in your place of worship.
Really, this is a very confidential prayoga practice, so this prayoga procedure should not be given or explained to an average person, or to a person who habitually criticizes or argues.
In fact, it is the good fortune of your life that we have been able to obtain this amazing intense prayog from Yogiraaj. You can obtain perfection in every area of your life by accomplishing it in golden opportune times.
Sadhana Materials – 450/-