Shiv Chakra Sahastraar Mahadiksha
आरोग्य धाम दिल्ली
29-30 दिसम्बर 2018
शिव चक्र सहस्रार महादीक्षा
आनन्द पथ की निर्बाध यात्रा
चलो दिल्ली आरोग्यधाम
बैठे गुरु संग पायेगें अमृत प्रेम
– रामचैतन्य शास्त्री
स्वं कर्त्तव्यं किमपि कलयंल्लोक एष प्रयत्नात्,नो पारक्यं प्रति घटयते काञ्चन स्वात्मवृत्तिम्।यस्तु ध्वस्ताखिलभवमलो भैरवीभावपूर्णः,कृत्य तस्या स्फुटिमदमियल्लोककर्त्तव्यमात्रम्॥
यथैकं भेषजं ज्ञात्वा न सर्वत्र भिषज्यति।तथैकं हेतु मालंम्ब्य न सर्वत्र गुरुर्भवेत्॥
चक्र | व्याहतियां | |
मूलाधार चक्र | भूः | भौतिक |
स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र | भुवः | भौतिक |
मणिपुर चक्र | स्वः | भौतिक |
अनाहत चक्र | महः | भौतिक-आध्यात्मिक |
विशुद्ध चक्र | जनः | विशुद्ध चेतनात्मक |
आज्ञा चक्र | तपः | विशुद्ध चेतनात्मक |
सहस्रार चक्र | सत्ः | सत्य |
आत्मा त्वं गिरिजा मतिः सहचराः प्राणाः शरीरं गृहंपूजा ते विषयोपभोगरचना निद्रा समाधिस्थितिःसञ्चारः पदयोः प्रदक्षिणविधिः स्तोत्राणि सर्वा गिरोयद्यत्कर्म करोमि तत्तदखिलं शम्भो तवाराधनम्॥
शिवचक्र सहस्रार महादीक्षा
Arogya Dham Delhi
29-30 December 2018
Shiv Chakra Sahastraara MahaDiksha
Incessant journey of divine Joy
Come to Delhi Arogya Dham
Taste Divine Love with Gurudev
– Ram Cheitanya Shastri
Continuous contact between Guru and the disciple is mandatory, and curiosity is the first expression of the disciple. This curiosity imbibes a strong desire to deeply intensify the inner and outer-physical powers. However, care must be taken to ensure that the desire does not engulf the entire inquisitiveness. The Sadhak experiences the innate supreme power by channeling this curiosity into his inner being. This divine power activates his dormant powers and he becomes conscious of the supreme divine.
Gurudev explains serious topics with ease. It becomes very easy to understand the Veda Mantras, Upanishads and Tantra scriptures just by listening to His simple discourses. One wonders why the so called intellectuals, scholars and sages made them so confusing and difficult to comprehend.
Words become effective only when they can be easily understood. Any complicated word can be simplified by breaking it into simple parts, for example Tatvamasi = Tatvam + Asi i.e. I exist due to Praana element. Similarly, Gurudev simplifies and breaks down complex mysterious texts into an easy to comprehend form. This transmission of knowledge to the disciples is akin to a mother feeding her baby with her own hands. A father maintains the discipline by ordering the child to eat her food. Similarly, the knowledge of Gurudev always imbibes the joint feelings of mother and father.
Shakti, Shiva, Naad, Bindu, Tantra, Kala, Chakra, Urdhavpaat are all highly complex and esoteric topics. Gurudev simplifies this complexity to teach these topics to the disciples in plain language.
Swam Kartavyam Kimapi Kalayanlloka Eksha Prayatnaata,
Nou Paarakyam Prati Ghatayate Kaanchan Swaatmavrittim |
Yastu Dhwastaakhilabhavamalo BheiraveebhaavapoornaH,
Kritya Tasyaa Sfutimadamiyallokakartavyamaatram ||
The rise of virtues, logic and a sense of duty within the person evaporates all bonds. The expression of the Poorna Shiva transforms into a calm accomplished Guru. He does not need to do anything for Himself, as His soul is ever-engaged. His sole objective is benevolence towards all.
Gurudev uses external mediums till the disciple becomes pure and clean. He endeavors to – “I shall move my disciple towards this path of Sadhanas”, and-or ” I shall provide this grace”. This expression complies with the classical limitations. Inspite of being an embodiment of Shiva-sense Himself, the Guru bestows varying kinds of Sadhana spiritual knowledge to the disciples according to their mental nature and potential.
Yatheikam Bheshajam Gyaatvaa Na Sarvatra Bhishajyati |
Tatheikam Hetu Maalamnbya Na Sarvatra Gururbhavet ||
Knowledge of just one single medicine does not make one a doctor of all diseases. Similarly, one cannot attain Guru form by following a single path or adopting a single purpose. Guru is omnipotent, eternal, supreme being who bestows grace, imparts wisdom and grants Shaktipaat to the Sadhak according to his or her nature.
The scriptures contain a wealth of information about the power of Kundalini Shakti. Thousands of scriptures and their commentaries elucidate details on this topic. Every person entering the field of Tantrik spiritual practices understands that the human body has following Kundalini Chakras –
Chakra | Nature | |
Moolaadhaara Chakra | BhooH Material | |
Swaadhishthaana Chakra | BhuvaH Material | |
Manipura Chakra | SwaH Material | |
Anaahata Chakra | MahaH Material-Spiritual | |
Vishuddha Chakra | JanaH Pure Consciousness | |
Aagyaa Chakra | TapaH Pure Consciousness | |
Sahastraara Chakra | SataH Truth |
Moolaadhaara Chakra – The consciousness of 99.99 percent of population remains stuck within this chakra. Such people prefer lust, luxury, sexual intercourse and sleep.
However, the transformation starts when the energy flow rises onto higher Chakras.
Swaadhishthaana Chakra – Accumulation of energy within this Chakra leads to prioritization of enjoyment, travel and entertainment. Accumulation of energy within this Chakra, turns the core priorities of life into fun, travel and entertainment. Eventually mirth-merriment consumes the life and nothing gets achieved.
Manipura Chakra – Accumulation of energy within this Chakra intensifies action and work. Such people worship work and are real Karmayogis. Activation of this Chakra causes eradication of senses of craving, shame, fear, hatred and temptation, and firms up the will power and self-determination.
Anaahata Chakra – Accumulation of energy within this Chakra activates the creative powers. Such people think something new every second. Activation of this Chakra intensifies the feelings of love and he automatically becomes knowledgeable and wise.
Vishuddha Chakra – Goddess Saraswati resides within the Kantha. Activation of this Chakra intensifies knowledge of sixteen Kalas and Vibhutis. Activation of this Chakra makes the person immune from the pangs of thirst-hunger or environmental inclements (cold or heat). The Sadhak prepares for the next higher level.
Aagyaa Chakra – Activation of this Chakra transcends the energy into consciousness. The person attains Buddha. He becomes sensitive as well as calm.
Sahastraara Chakra – The final stage of Kundalini activation is the flow of energy within Sahastraara. The attainment of this state elevates him onto Paramhans i.e. the state of Lord Shiva. Resplendent with divine Joy.
All of the above was readable literature. Even the teachers of physical asanas who nowadays call themselves as Yoga Gurus have started to provide guidance on activation of Kundalini chakras. They even claim to activate the Moolaadhaara within twenty days, Swaadhishthaana within forty days, Manipur within fifty and so on for Anaahata, Vishuddha, Aagyaa and Sahastraara Chakras. It isn’t worthwhile to discuss about them here.
SadGuru states that – These chakras of the human body are not visible. These are special combinations of nerve bundles which get activated at multiple places within the body. Gurudev explained this to me in a very simple way by taking example of a rope. A rope contains thousands of strands of fiber. Each one of those strand contains millions of particles of cotton. These cotton particles are weaved together in three core threads. Intertwining of these threads leads to formation of a strong rope which can be used in thousands of different ways. The cotton particle makeup the basic elements, and the overall rope signifies the final eventual stage of the journey of this cotton particle. If the weaving, threading or intertwining of the strands or threads is not proper, then the rope cannot attain the sufficient strength.
These strands of cotton cannot weave or intertwine on their own. Only a weaver can interlace them together. Similarly, the Guru works on the disciples. Only a Guru can identify the position of these Chakras in the disciple’s body, and ascertain their condition -strengths and-or weaknesses. A minor deficiency within a single spot can drastically reduce the strength of the rope.
The situation of the Sadhaks and disciples is similar. Someone is afflicted with a certain illness, someone’s memory is weak, or someone’s body is afflicted with sins of a past life. Some may have a special talent while other might have deficiencies. The important factor to note is that – Chakras are present in everyone’s body and they do vibrate. However, if their vibration is not in resonance or at similar elevating frequency, then this entire power will decompose into nothing. This power will not be meaningful.
The power should be the one that is meaningful. It should lead life to liberation from grief and anguish; thence from liberation towards joy, from joy towards Parmaanand and from Parmaanand towards Shiv Ananda.
SadGurudev had stated the following while explaining the Shiva Chakra in a camp in Ujjain –
Aatmaa Twam Girijaa MatiH SahacharaaH PraanaaH Shareeram Griham
Pooja Te Vishayopabhogarachanaa Nidraa SamaadhisthitiH
SanchaaraH PadayoH PradakshinavidhiH Stotraani Sarvaa Giro
Yadhyatkarma Karomi Tattadakhilam Shambho Tvaaraadhanam ||
O Shambho! You are my soul. Mother Bhawani is my intellect. My senses are Your Ganas and my body is Your abode. The composition of entire sensuality is prayer onto You. The state of my sleep, is Your Samaadhi state. My walk revolves around You. My words are Your own stotras. In fact, whatever I do, is all Your worship.
Shiva means calm,
Shiva means above confusion,
Shiva, where there is no grief or rage,
Shiva means complete absorption in the self.
Gurudev explained to me that awakening of Kundalini Chakras is a serial sequential process, which cannot be understood by mere reading of the texts. It cannot be comprehended by one on his own. Hard austerity is not necessary to achieve this. Even if you chant One Lac, Ten Lac, Fifty Lac or even Ten Crore Mantras, or perform any intense Vaamamargi Hatha Yoga Sadhana, even then it is not certain that the divine energy will flow upwards in resonance through your Chakras. This is simply not possible through mere Sadhanas, austerities, Mantra chanting or literary knowledge.
To achieve success in this endeavor, you require a person immersed within the Shiva expression. Only His touch can provide a resonant sequential upwards movement within the Chakras of the Sadhak’s body. Such a person is Param Tatva SadGurudeva.
I asked Gurudev – Why is this world so full of suffering?
“Nanak Dukhiya Sab Sansaar, So Sukhiya Jinha Naam Aadhaar“.
Why does everyone need to undergo sufferings of multiple kinds?
Is the goal of human life just to bear these sufferings?
What, then is the utility of this human life?
Has Almighty sent us into this world just to bear these travails of human life?
Does a person travel through this life bearing the burden of sins of his past lives?
Does this travel continue eternally, just like this?
What is the end goal of this journey?
Can this journey change its route to joyfulness?
Gurudev replied that – Shastri, there is one single basis to all your questions. The experience of pain-suffering intensifies within the person, and when this sensation intensifies in the direction towards grief, then the streams of sadness, pain and anxiety accompany it.
Your basic question is – How to transform the sensation of sorrow towards happiness. You want to understand – How to change the direction of life? This is the most significant question. Your question is – how to make the intense inner flame of power bearable. How to soften this blow of this flame?
Listen carefully, every person wants to achieve physical success at the primary level of his life, and spiritual advancement at the second level. Physical success is related only to the physical body, while the spiritual success is related to knowledge. You cannot attain success in these streams at different points of time. A balance has to be kept between both streams. The Tantra system involves balance between Aagam-Nigam. Similarly, life requires balance between material and spiritual senses. This balance between the two needs to be maintained at all levels, to enable a strong-powerful body and intelligent-thoughtful mind full of emotionally intense sense.
Your question is whether the level of energy-power and knowledge in every person can become intense and high.
Of course. A thought, a single snippet of Knowledge can assimilate the levels of our physical body and mental contemplation. Guru is that element of knowledge. SadGurudev can bestow intense vibrations within our inner sense. The entry of SadGurudev in our life is always accompanied with transformation. Material or spiritual transformation is simply not possible on its own.
Gurudev! What should a general person do?
Gurudev answered that – Generation of intense will power is essential for the Sadhak and the disciple. The intensity of will power can trigger vibration of Moolaadhaara Chakra for activation of divine flow energy on the elevated path. Guru’s presence is required at this moment to enable merger of this will-power with the knowledge-wisdom. This ensures union of the body and soul and imparts a gentle smooth upwards flow to the thoughts-ideas. The emotional-sensations move onward on the smooth path to merge with their supreme destination, The Shiva, and Sahastraara. This process initiated by SadGuru to bestow this flow, is called the action of Shaktipaat.
Therefore, there is no limit on the personality and greatness of Guru. Only Guru can transform and concentrate the cells-atoms-molecules of the Sadhak by bestowing him discipleship, to enable progress upwards onto the elevation path.
This Shaktipaat process initiated by Guru causes not one or two, but rather thousands of bursts-explosions within the disciple’s body. Only the disciple can experience and feel these bursts. Human life is full of frequently occurring multiple bursts, which are either constructive or destructive. If a person tries out this process with his own efforts, he himself will not know what direction these bursts will take. However these sequential bursts at various Chakras always progress upwards when initiated though the Shaktipaat process.
Guru never initiates an intense Shaktipaat.
Initially, in the first stage, Guru grants a low intensity Shaktipaat. Gradually, moderate Shaktipaat is granted after strengthening of will-power of the Sadhak. Finally, one attains the capability to receive the extremely intensive Shaktipaat. This extremely intensive Shaktipaat is the burst-explosion of the “Shiv Chakra“. This triggers the flow of divine energy in all Chakras towards the same upwards direction. This is the actual Chakra path – from the Moolaadhaara to Sahastraara.
It is important to note that this Chakra journey does not terminate at Sahastraara. A cycle is created from the Sahastraara to Moolaadhaara, and then again, from Moolaadhaara to Sahastraara. Thus this infinite cycle continues unabated.
Gurudev, can a general person understand the expression-meaning of these chakras?
Gurudev answered that nobody in this world is general. God has not crafted statues or robots while imparting life to humans. Every person is special and unique. Every creation of Almighty is uniquely exclusive in itself. Nobody in this world can be same as any other. The body, mind and intellect of everyone is different. Therefore, you should not term any person in this world as a general person. Humans are an intrinsic component of the omnipotent Almighty Brahma. The words Aham Brahmaasmi indicate this basic thought, Tatvamasi reflects this expression.
Every person is engaged in the path of accomplishing Sadhanas and achieving success in his desires. He is performing austerities, doing hard work, and taking specific actions to realize this. Union with Guru takes him towards the direction of favorable results and success, to make him rejoice with divine taste of Amrit nectar of Shiva in his Sahastraara.
SadGuru nurses the pained-anguished heart, He bandages the wounds on the Chakras, to liberate the cells of this anguished body to an everjoyful state.
This is the Shiva Chakra Sahastraara, Guru sets up the Shivatava in the disciple through the Shaktipaat.
Shiva Chakra Sahastraara Mahadiksha
May the Sadhaks of the Nikhil Mantra Vigyan continue to tread on this constructive creative path.
Hope they continue to perform actions supplemented with optimism and faith, as it is but natural that the disciples of Karmayogi Sadgurudev will also be self-motivated on the path of karma. However, they should engage in the Karmas in the Shiva expression, unaffected by the Karma itself.
This is the divine flow of immortal Ganges.
The union of the Guru and the disciple heightens the combination of the materialism and spirituality , which intensifies only during the divine merger of the Guru and the disciple. The silent dialog of the eyes at that moment, initiates the divine Kundalini energy flow within the Chakras with the transient touch of the thumb.
Pujya Gurudev has agreed to again grant the “Shiva Chakra Sahastraara Diksha” to the Nikhil disciples on the eve of new year after my humble supplications and prayers of innumerable Sadhaks over the past many years. The opportunity to receive Shiv Chakra Shaktipaat Diksha is possible only due to virtuous deeds in previous births and infinite grace of Pujya Gurudev. The trigger of union of Shiva and Shakti present within all of us initiates with the Shiva Chakra Shaktipaat Diksha. Utilize these wonderful moments which come but once in several lifetimes to come to Arogyadham on 28-29-30 December 2018 to make your life successful, prosperous and peaceful.