Sadhana Samagri
Necessity of Sadhana Materials
Why enlivenment of Sadhana Materials is Required
Why Prana Pratishtha of Sadhana Material is Needed
Sadhana Materials
Your Queries
Answered by SadGuru
The path to achievement of success in Sadhanas is a highly mysterious path. A Sadhak should have unflinching strong faith on his Guru and Mantra during the Sadhana practice. A basic inner aspect-foundation of the Sadhana practice is that the Sadhak always receives the results of Sadhana according to the depth of faith and trust. The materials used in the Sadhana constitute the second, most significant external aspects of Sadhana practice.
An army cannot win a war in absence of modern-intense weapons, even though it may have brave soldiers and efficient leadership. Similarly a person will not be able to achieve success in Sadhanas in absence of proper energized-sanctified materials, even though he might be a highly distinguished scholar of Mantras.
It is important to energize, sanctify and enliven the Sadhana articles ( also known as Prana-Pratishtha) before initiating the Sadhana. Without enlivenment, the Sadhana articles are absolutely useless, just like a body without any life. A body starts emitting bad odor in absence of any life. Similarly a Sadhana material is like a piece of stone, in absence of proper Mantra energization, sanctifcation and enlivenment processes.
|| Om Aam Hreem Kroum Yam Ram Lam Vam Sham Ksham Sam Ham SaH So~Ham Praan Iha PraanaH ||
|| Om Aam Hreem Kroum Yam Ram Lam Vam Sham Ksham Sam Ham SaH So~Ham Jeeva Iha SthitaH ||
|| Om Aam Hreem Kroum Yam Ram Lam Vam Sham Ksham Sam Ham SaH So~Ham Sarvendriyaani Iha SthitaH ||
The basic reason of chanting the above Puranaa Mantras in front of the Sadhana articles is to energize-enliven the Yantra with the conscious-soul-praana–energy of the related Devataa (God). The Yantra becomes a living entity full of life spirit, just like us.
And the effectuation (praana-pratishtha) of the related deity within the Yantra coverts it into a personified direct form of that God. When an enlivened-energized (praana-pratishthit) stone is installed in a temple, it fulfills the wishes of the worshippers, because the deity-form of God has been fully personified within it through the enliven-energization (praana-pratishthit) process. It was just an ordinary stone before the enliven-energization (praana-pratishthit) process. Everyone knows the Mahabharata story of Eklavya. He enlivened-energized (praana-prashthit) an idol of his Guru Dronacharya and practiced archery in front of the idol. He turned into such a distinguished archer with Guru’s grace, that Guru Dronacharya had to demand his thumb as Guru Dakshina, to ensure Arjuna’s position as the best archer. He did not learn archery directly from the Guru, he obtained this knowledge and proficiency through the personified enlivened-energized (praana-pratishthit) icon of his Guru.
Thus the establishment of a tiny portion of the deity within the statue or Yantra is the enliven-energization (praana-pratishthit) process. This enliven-energization process can be done through many methods. A common process is through Mantra chanting and Karmakaanda rituals, and many people use this process. SadGurudev enlivens-energizes the Sadhana articles through His touch, sight and multiple other methods. The sanctification of a rosary or Yantra by SadGuru through His penance is also a form of the enliven-energization (praana-pratishthit) process. Transfer of such penance energy into a person is termed as Shaktipaat.
I have been in the service of Pujya Gurudev for many years. A common question of many sadhaks is whether they can use an unused Sadhana article which they had purchased two-three years ago. My answer is that the consciousness of Sadhana articles has a definite life-span, just like humans have a life span of 60-70-80 years. It should be immersed in flowing water stream after that time period. Secondly the Sadhana article also gets negatively impacted by the flaws of the place where it has been stored. So you should not retain Sadhana articles with you for a long time. The Sadhana should be performed immediately at auspicious time after receiving the articles from Gurudev.
Therefore, the Sadhana articles of any specific Sadhana performed to eliminate any flaws-deficiencies, should be immediately immersed in a flowing stream of water. I received a phone-call from a Guru-brother named Suresh few days ago, who had ordered Paapaakunsha Sadhana materials from Jodhpur Gurudham, but could not receive the relevant articles in time. He had a strong desire to accomplish this Sadhana, and wanted to know if he can perform it in absence of Sadhana articles.
My direct answer to all such Sadhaks is that the Sadhana should be performed only with the enlivened-energized (praana-pratishthit) Sadhana materials. A lifeless human body is not kept within the house. Similarly Sadhana cannot be performed in absence of enlivened-energized Sadhana articles. The Sadhak definitely achieves success after performing the Sadhana with properly enlivened-energized and sanctified Sadhana articles, because these processes bestow divinity within the articles. The divine energy-power of the Gods-Goddesses get personified-embodied within the article. Even the stones engraved with names of the Gods do not sink and float in the water. These Sadhana articles become a direct personification of the deity.
Whenever the Sadhak develops a strong desire to perform a specific Sadhana, and if the relevant Sadhana articles are not available to him at that time, then he should take a resolve-vow to accomplish that Sadhana in an appropriate muhurta. Thereafter he should perform the Sadhana according to the instructions from Gurudham after receipt of the Sadhana articles.
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