Riddance of Shani Dosh through Hanuman Sadhana
Shaneshchari Amavasya – 17 March 2018
Hanuman Jayanti – 31 March 2018
Termination of Malefic Effects of Shani (Saturn)
Hanuman Sadhana
Perfect Boldness, Serenity and Courage
Let us explore the secret mysteries of Lord Hanuman and Lord Saturn and their enigmatic relationship in this issue of Nikhil Mantra Vigyan. According to Surya Sanhita, Lord Hanuman was born on a Saturday, and Saturday is the favorite day of Lord Saturn.
Generally, people fear Lord Saturn (Planet Saturn). Lord Saturn always bestows fruits of past Karmas, and thus this fear is justified to a certain extent. Lord Saturn judges the past karmas-actions, and punishes or rewards as per the deeds performed. Sometimes, our current intelligent decision leads to sinful wicked actions, and we pay for these sins during the Dasha influential period of Lord Saturn.
Lord Saturn is son of Lord Sun, however His relationship with His parent is neither tender nor indulgent. Everyone finds his or her match, and similarly, Lord Saturn bows to a particular power. This specific power is Lord Hanuman. Lord Saturn has assured a protection boon to all devout worshipper of Lord Hanuman.
Ko Nahi Jaanat Hai Jag Mey, Kapi Sankat Mochan Naam Tihaaro
Lord Hanuman is worshipped for protection from distresses, and generally such critical disasters strike during the Dasha influence of Lord Saturn. The malevolent influence of Lord Saturn can turn a king into a pauper within seconds. Even Lord Mahadev had to continuously perform penance confined within a cave without any food for seven and a half years during the Dasha influence of Lord Saturn. We can only imagine what the fate of any common person will be during such misfortune Dasha period. Lord Hanumanji is an active God. He is the only spirited deity during the Kaliyuga era. He also gets pleased very easily. These divine attributes have enhanced the popularity of Lord Hanuman and He has become a “Deity of the People”.
The term “Deity of the People” is being used here to describe the Gods, who are worshipped as Veer, Graam Devata (Village deity) or Lok Parampara Devata (Society deity), along with being worshipped through Vedic, Tantric and Purannic worship rites. He is also worshipped in various simple rituals like Evil-eye removal, beneficial-protection etc. His worship ignites Tantra and Mantra, leading to accomplishments.
Lord Hanumanji terminates all kinds of agonies and His Sadhana provides protection from miseries of Lord Saturn’s malefic influence.
Lord Shiva is Guru of Lord Saturn
Anjanigarbha Sambhooto Hanumaan PawanaatmajaH
Yadaa Jaato Mahaadevo Hanumaan SatyavikramaH
Vayupuraan states that Lord Shiva has incarnated as True, Brave, Pawan’s son through Mother Anjani’s womb. Thus Lord Hanuman is a form of Lord Shiva or Lord Rudra.
A detailed analysis reveals that the relationship between Lord Hanuman and Lord Saturn is that of a Guru and His disciple. Lord Saturn analyzes and judges as per command of Lord Mahadeva, and so His benevolence always extends to any Sadhak of Lord Mahadeva or Lord Hanuman. There is absolutely no difference between Lord Shiva and Lord Hanuman. Lord Hanuman is the Eleventh form of Lord Rudra.
Om Vaayuputraaya Vidyamahe Vanjraagaaya Dheemahi Tanno RudraH Prachodayaata |
Lord Saturn’s divine powers originate from the Sadhana and discipleship of Lord Shiva. Lord Hanuman is Himself Lord Rudra, or Lord Shiva; and the Guru is always supreme. Thus one can take protection from Lord Saturn’s malevolence by taking solace under the divine shade of His Guru, Lord Hanuman. Lord Bajrang Bali will instruct Lord Saturn accordingly.
Lord Sun is Guru of Lord Hanumanji
Lord Saturn generally remains discontent with His parent, Lord Sun. Black clouds (Black color denotes Lord Saturn) symbolizes Lord Saturn, and these dark clouds completely cover the intense rays of Sun. One can obtain solace from Sun’s hot glaring rays by using dark films on car windows, and by wearing dark glasses. This is a practical expression of the turbulent relationship between the Father and the Son.
Lord Hanuman received His entire education from Lord Sun. Lord Sun is the holy father of the world. There is a general belief that Almighty God, the Providence of the Universe, nourishes this world in the divine form of Lord Sun.
Now, one who has received education from the divine Providence Himself, will obviously, be the bravest of the braves, the Mahaveer. Lord Hanumanji, the devotee of Lord Rama, is this Mahaveer.
The malefic affliction of Lord Saturn causes troubles and problems to repeatedly appear in your life, and these troubles can be resolved only through steadfast courage. Lord Hanumanji is Mahaveer, the bravest of the braves. Sadhana of Lord Hanuman ignites this courage element in the Sadhak, and active enhancement of this courage element eliminates all afflictions of Lord Saturn.
Why is oil offered on Lord Saturn
Ravana wanted to protect residents of Lanka, his golden city, from Lord Saturn’s influence. He used his powers to imprison all the planets, including Saturn. Lord Hanuman noticed this captivity of planets, during His search for Mother Sita in Lanka. An enraged Lord Hanuman burnt Lanka and freed up all the planets.
Lord Saturn was suffering from deep pain since He was hanging upside down. Lord Hanuman massaged His body with oil to ease His pain. Lord Saturn proclaimed that He will not give any trouble to the person, who offered oil on Saturday.
Tied up Lord Saturn-
According to another legend, once Lord Hanumanji was meditating in devotion to Lord Rama near Rama-Setu. Lord Saturn wandered up to Him. Lord Saturn was familiar with the power and strength of Lord Hanuman. Like other such powerful strong beings, his mind was full of ego. A vain desire flashed in His mind to get Lord Hanuman to bow to Him.
Egotism is a strange quality. Especially in case of someone, who derives pleasure by making others suffer. Harassing others automatically enhances pride in self strength and power.
Lord Saturn was also affected with similar egoistic thoughts. He started towards Lord Hanuman, vainly taking long strides. He started to interrupt Lord Hanuman’s Sadhana by saying – “O Monkey face Hanuman! Stop this devotion-meditation, and salute me. I, Lord Saturn have appeared in front of you.”
Lord Saturn kept on speaking, but Lord Hanumanji did not bother. He continued His meditation.
Lord Saturn could not tolerate this insult, and He again repeated to Lord Hanumanji – “O Monkey-King! You do not know me. I can torment anyone who does not please or respect me. Even Gods fear my influence. And yet, you are ignoring me, instead of extending a warm welcome.”
However, Lord Hanumanji continued with His meditation. Lord Saturn got furious and decided to torment Lord Hanuman.
Meanwhile, it was time for Lord Hanumanji to circumbulate the Rama-Setu. He got up and started to walk towards Rama-Setu.
This repeated affronting by Lord Hanumanji enraged Lord Saturn. It now seemed that Lord Hanuman was tormenting Lord Saturn, who had originally intended to torment Him.
Blocking His path, Lord Saturn thundered to Lord Hanuman – “Hanuman! You have slighted me and I shall punish you in a battle. You are passing through hard luck, as You did not accord me due respect-honor.”
Lord Hanuman politely replied – “O Lord Saturn, King of Planets! As you observed, I was deeply immersed in Sadhana of my Lord Shree Rama, and therefore, I did not notice your arrival. I have to circumbulate Rama-Setu now. Please wait a little while. I shall definitely sit and talk to you after my circumbulation of Rama-Setu.”
Lord Hanuman’s words infuriated Lord Saturn’s anger, and He roared – “O Hanuman! From today you will be tormented by Planet Saturn. You will attain peace only when you respect and honor Me. You do not need to circumbulate Rama-Setu. Only my worship-Sadhana will help you to progress ahead.”
Lord Hanumanji remained calm even after listening to the harsh words of Saturn and humbly replied- “Please let me complete my circumbulation of Rama-Setu, and I shall talk you immediately after that.”
However Lord Saturn did not calm down and continued to taunt Lord Hanumanji with His strong harsh words. Lord Hanumanji tied Him in his tail and started running for the circumbulation of Rama-Setu. Lord Saturn tried His best, but He could not release Himself from this bondage. Lord Hanuman started hitting His tail strongly against the rocks while circumbulating. Lord Saturn got badly injured due to this. Lord Saturn tried to become free with His full strength, but could not succeed. Now, He started to pray to Lord Hanumanji to free Him up. Lord Hanumanji freed Him after vanquishing His pride.
When Lord Saturn got badly injured due to battering against the rocks, then Lord Hanumanji mercifully offered Him oil to relieve His pain. Lord Saturn accepted the supremacy of divine powers and strength of Lord Hanuman and promised that He will never torment any devotee of Lord Hanuman. Since then, Lord Saturn does not give pain and sufferings to the devotees of Lord Hanuman.
To obtain peace from Planet Saturn’s torment, you must approach a superior power, who exercises dominance over Lord Saturn, and Lord Hanuman, the Rudraansh, is that power.
However, the natural human instinct to find an easy way, led to offering of oil to Lord Saturn. This offering of oil to Lord Saturn will grant you marginal success for few limited moments only. However, if you want to completely eliminate all obstacles-troubles, then such symbolic gestures are not enough. Perform Hanuman Sadhana to attain complete peace and obtain total riddance from torment of Lord Saturn.
Sadhana Procedure
You can accomplish this Sadhana practice on any Tuesday or Saturday. Saturn Amavasya, Saturn Jayanti or Hanuman Jayanti are special days to obtain accomplishments in this Sadhana. The fruits of Sadhana enhance manifold by accomplishing Sadhana on these days.
This is a single-day nocturnal Sadhana. Clean the Sadhana site carefully before starting the Sadhana. Sit facing East direction and spread a yellow cloth on a wooden board. The Sadhak should wear yellow colored clothes and sit on a Yellow colored Asana. You should also wear Guru Chadar.
First, setup Guru picture on the wooden board and perform worship. Chant 1 mala of Guru Mantra using Guru Mala.
After this, setup Lord Hanuman picture near Guru picture and offer a garland of Yellow colored flowers. Then create a seat of Yellow flowers in a copper plate, and setup “Hanuman Yantra” on the floral seat. Mark a tilak on Hanuman Yantra and Picture using oil-vermilion (sindoor) mixture. Also make a mark on your own forehead.
Thereafter light an oil lamp in front of “Hanuman Yantra”, and place one clove (Loung) in it.
Then, with folded hands, meditate on Lord Hanuman chanting following Shlokas 5 times-
Hanumaananjani Sunurvaayuputro MahaabalaH |
RaameshtaH FaalgunasakhaH PingaakshoSmitavikramaH ||
Udadhikra Manashcheiva Seetaashoka VinaashanaH|
Lakshmanapraanadaataa Cha Dashagreevasya Darpahaa ||
Evam Dwaadasha Naamaani Kapeendrasya MahaatmanaH |
Swaalpakaale Prabodhe Cha Yaatraakaale Cha YaH Pathet ||
Tasya Sarvabhayam Naasti Rane Cha Vijayee Bhavet |
Raajadwaare Gahrare Cha Bhayam Naasti Kadaachana ||
Thereafter color “Hanuman Gutika” with sindoor (vermilion) and offer it to Hanuman Yantra. Wrap loung (clove), Elaichi (cardamom) in a paan-leaf and offer it to the Yantra.
Then chant 1 mala of following Mantra with “Moonga Mala” for 5 consecutive Saturdays –
Om Namo Hanumate Rudraavataaraaya Vajradehaaya Vajranakhaaya Vajramukhaaya Vajraromne Vajranetraaya Vajradanttaaya, Vajrakaraaya Vajrabhaktaaya, Raamadootaaya Swaahaa ||
After completion of Mantra chanting, meditate on Lord Hanuman, sitting in Veer Mudra. Pray to Lord Hanuman to grant peace from the torments of Lord Saturn.
Thus, this worship gets completed. Offer Neivedhya of Jaggery to Lord Hanumanji. Eat some prasaad yourself. Next day offer the entire Sadhana articles in any Hanuman temple.
Consecrated-Sanctified Sadhana Materials – 490/-