Mahabodhi Tatvamasi Diksha
तत्वमसि : तत्वम्+असि
Tatvamasi : Tatvam + Asi
Unabated Nikhil Light Path
The Journey from Body to the Soul Element
The Journey from Ignorance to the Seamless Knowledge
The Journey from Anguish to the Absolute Joy
The Journey from Darkness to the Bursting Light
The Journey from disease-sorrow-grief to Health-Happiness-Joy
The Journey of body, soul, cell, atom and consciousness
Don’t Weary, Don’t Stop,
Don’t Fear, Don’t Cry,
Don’t Worry, Don’t Agonize,
Don’t Wince, Don’t Dispute
This is the journey from the Body to the Soul
The Process of Mahabodhi Tatvamasi Knowledge…
Devarshi Narada Vishnu-devotee was a Paramgyani, his mind didn’t attain peace even after obtaining all the knowledge, and so he went to his Guru Sanatkumar and requested – “O Master! My heart is troubled, why? Is my knowledge incomplete? Why is my mind not content? Why is my mind not focusing toward the target? O God! Please grant me knowledge so that I achieve the “Sat”. So that I comprehend my “Tatvamasi” and obtain full knowledge of own soul and self.
Gurudev said – First you give me the details of your education and Dikshas. Then I shall grant you the foundation basis of Total-Knowledge, the “Tatvamasi Gyan”.
Narada replied – I have studies all the Vedas – Rig-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda, Atharva-Veda, History, Mythology, Surgical Sciences, Astrological Science, Mathematical Science, Legal Science, Economics Science, Grammar Sciences, Scriptures, Philosophy, Spirituality, Ethics, Spirit Science , Physics, Chemistry & Life Sciences, Astronomy and Fine Arts and have attained expertise in all of them. I have gained literal learnings, but have not yet understood the spiritual essence, and so my mind is not at peace. I have heard that –
“Tarati Shokam Aatmavit, Tarati Shokam Tatvamasi”
One who comprehends the soul, he realizes the self and he rises above the sea of sorrow. I am stricken in spite of gaining so much knowledge. I have to rise above it.
Sanatkumar advised – Dear Narada! Whatever you have learnt till now, is “Education (Science, Literal) Knowledge“. This is just the first step, this is the initiation of knowledge, but do not stop only at the “Educational Knowledge”. Whatever subjects you have learnt, education is the only mode to understand them. All the living beings in the world- flora-fauna, animals-birds, land-water, space etc. learn only through education.
Ultimate Knowledge cannot be obtained through education. Education is a method to develop skills, and I shall explain the further dimensions through a series of steps, and you are free to tread on whatever path you choose and understand.
All of the scriptures i.e. Vedas, Puranas, Physics, Chemistry, Arts, Mathematics, Science, Law, are all part of education. Then Narada questioned what is superior to “Education (Science, Literal) Knowledge”? Sanatkumar answered- “The Speech” is superior to Education. “Speech” is greater than “Educational (Sciences)”.
Speech – We understand sciences through speech, Speech aids us in gaining knowledge about Earth, Space, Air, Water, Fire, Man, Animal, Bird, Forest, Flora-fauna. Speech is the medium to know about virtue-sin, truth-untruth, affection-abhorrence. We would not have been able to comprehend belief-disbelief, truth-untruth, moral-immoral in the absence of Speech. So Speech is greater than the knowledge of Sciences. Speech is the medium to transfer knowledge to others. Naradaji then questioned, “What is superior to Speech?”
Mind (Knowing) – One may experience both Learnings and Speech only through the mind. A person thinks over in his mind, whether to chant mantras or to perform tasks? All wishes are generated in the mind, and then he achieves them desiring their fulfilment, so this mind is akin to the soul, mind is the entire universe, the speech utters words only after stimulation from the mind, so the mind is much superior. However, this mind also has limited dimensions, then what is superior to mind?
Determination (Willing) – The determination is superior to the mind, when a thought originates in the mind, then the person repeatedly ponders about its resolution. It provides inspiration after thoughtful contemplation, this motivates the speech to utter words and sciences. Word is the basic unit of the entire universe. All the mantras disperse into the Word. A collection set of words is called as Mantra.
Determination is the basis of everything from mind to the education (science, literal). The resolution is the basic soul of all this, every object in this universe spread across the earth-sky-clouds-air, are working through determination. This determination causes rainfall, the determination within rainfall grows the crops, the determination within crops drives the soul, the determination within soul drives mantras, the mantras drive the actions, and the determination of these actions operates this entire universe. Determination, and only determination exists in each atom and cell in this universe.
One who prays considering Determination as God, he attains pain-free perfection; however the determination is also limited. But you should not stop here, becauseSentiment is superior to Determination.
Sentiment (Perception Sense – Feeling) – When a particular topic is activated, then we get sentiments and emotions in our mind. This also intensifies the determination, and activates mind, speech, word, mantras and actions. Sentiment is the basic foundation, this is the root soul of any living being. Therefore it is said that even if a person studies all the written scriptures, but is devoid of feelings, then the entire knowledge becomes waste. Conversely everyone listens seriously to a person having strong sentiments but less-knowledge about a specific topic.
Taani Ha Vaa Etaani Chittekayenaani Chittatmaani Chitte
Pratisthitaani Tasmaadhdhyapi Bahuvidchitto Bhavati Naayemasti
Tayevenamaahurdayan Ved Yadva Ayam VidhvaannetthamchittaH Syaadityath
Yadhyalpavichchittvanbhavati Tasma Evot Shushrukshante |
Chittam HmeveshameKayanan Chittmaatma Chittam Pratishtha Chittmupaassveti ||
One who performs all actions based on sentiments, he achieves full perfection and siddhi till the limits of the sentiments. Narada then questioned if anything else is superior to sentiment?
Meditation (Concentration) – Every person may experience multiple sensations, but the focus remains only on one. The continued imposition of sentiment on a single sensation is meditation. Meditation is the basic foundation of Sadhana. Concentration is the basis of meditation. We can enhance our sentiments, our energies, only through meditation. Everything in this creation – Earth, Space, Water, Mountains, Humans all are absorbed in their meditation. The few people in world who achieve success, achieve it through meditation.
We can achieve divinity and greatness through meditation but it also has its own limitations, because Science is superior to meditation.
Science – Science means Complete Knowledge – Intense deep knowledge. Delving deeper, comprehending all perspectives, understanding everything from beginning to end. Every person can have both good and bad sensations. Focusing on a single sensation from that collection is termed as meditation. Meditation can make a person either insignificant or divine. However when he offers his self into the deep meditation, merges into the divine, then he absorbs the basic unit, the basic element. This science element grants him knowledge about all Vedas, Sciences, Air-Space, Moral-Immoral, Truth-Untruth. The person understands all facts through this deeper intensive meditation. Then the person’s psyche obtains perfection siddhi in both science and knowledge. However Science also has a limit, Narada said that Science seemed to be the most superior, what is superior to science?
The Rishi answered – Strength is Superior to Science.
Power (Strength) – Science is a psychological element, but the strength activates all physical, mental spiritual elements. A strong person can scare hundred scientists, however when a science-knowledgeable person acquires force and strength, and gets up to do something, then a transformational, revolutionary event occurs.
When a physically strong master of Science enters into the service of Guru, and immerses into the Guru Service through speech, mind, determination, sentiment, meditation; then he becomes a beloved of the Guru.
A Sadhak should have education, science knowledge, speech, mind, determination, sentiment, meditation, science, everything , to enter into Guru-Service. Then only he receives offerings from the Guru. Then Guru activates his inner elements. He himself becomes embodiment of the elemental knowledge. Becomes a spiritual scientist.
This is a very intrinsic process, when the Guru transforms his disciple from an ordinary mortal into both the observer and the doer. Such a disciple becomes a spiritual scientist.
All planets and heavenly bodies move in their constellations through force. All galaxies are positioned at their locations through the forceful order of Providence. However, this force also has certain limitations, it is important to understand the origin of this strength. The strength originates from food and water. So food and water are considered essential to gain strength. All beings in this world consume food and water, but vitality is required to properly utilize food and water. Vitality means Light, Energy, Intensity. This Vitality causes rainfall in this creation, the crops also grow due to this verve, and a person gets capacity to absorb food and water only through vitality. The bright light of the Sun is an expression of its vitality. Therefore –
Om BhurbhuvaH SwaH Tatsaviturvarenyam |
Bhargodevasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo NaH Prachodayaat ||
O! God Surya, grant us Vitality.
This vitality highlights our body, mind & intellect; but this vitality also has its own boundaries. Then Narada questioned – what is superior to vitality? Sanatkumar answered that Space is superior to vitality.
Space – This space which is limitless, open, barrier-free and keeper of all galaxies, this space is the “ParBrahma”. Many galaxies are clustered here. The Netherworlds to Sky, from ocean to clouds, from Sun to Yama, this space is perfect everywhere, and everything is dynamic within it. All the planets, constellations, stars are located within it. This space is eternal, and is a manifestation of the eternal Providence. You have to accomplish Siddhi of this space, but this space is also constrained.
Naarad said – How can space be limited? This is borderless fully extended. Everything is contained in this. How can anything be superior to this space, zero. Sanatkumar answered – Dear Naarad! The “Memory” is superior to the space.
Memory – Memory is the greatest element, the words come and go in the sky, but the memory is one such element, where the words stay stationary. The basis of “Memory” is “Recollection Capacity”. Consider if fifty people are sitting together at a place and if they do not have memory, then they will not be able to know each other, will not be able to understand each other and will not be able to hear each other in spite of sitting closely together. However, as soon as they get memory power, the recollection power, all of them will be able to hear each other, know each other and understand each other. A person recognizes his children, parents, friends, brothers, kindred, enemies, even animals through only this recollection power. This recollection power is driving this world. We can store events of hundreds of thousands years ago in our memory. We can also store the imaginations of future in our memory.
Science-Knowledge, Food-Water, Space, Speech, Meditation, Sentiments, Determination, Mind etc. are all subjects of the memory. Imagine what happens if anyone loses his memory even for a moment. So, dear Narada! You should pray and worship Memory power to obtain perfection.
Sanatkumar then said that however this memory also has its specific bounds. Narada got surprised again that what could be superior to memory? Everything revolves around the memory. Imagination, Truth, Senses, all are expressions of visual memory. Guru, Brahma, Parmatama, God, Providence, Pilgrimages; all are sensations from our memory, so we are repeatedly instructed to perform their worship and Sadhana.
Sanatkumar answered – Dear Naarad! Hope is superior to Memory.
Anticipation (Hope) – The Memory-Recollection power can relate only to the past. The memory is composed of what is seen, heard and experienced, but when hope is connected with the memory; then it links the human being with the future.
In the absence of hope, a person will breathe, but the life will stop at that point; the absence of hope creates despair and this hopelessness doesn’t let a man live life.
Narada! Think why does every person perform actions? Every person performs actions due to hope, the memory illuminated with hope reminds of mantras. Hope generates wishes for children, wealth and prosperity. The hope drives a person to spiritual upliftment. The hope generates desires within all beings to wish for more of what they have. Everything is operating on the basis of hope. So hope is the basic unit but hope also has a limit. A lot stops when the hope stops, but everything does not get finished.
The Rishi said that therefore life is superior to hope.
Life – Why does every human have a hope? To live i.e. for the life-cycle of the soul. The life is the root “Naabhitatva”. It is similar to a circular Chakra having a “Central Point” and saw-blades on all sides.
The saw-blades of this root life-cycle are Education, Speech, Mind, Determination, Sentiment (emotion), Meditation, Science, Strength, Food, Water, Vitality, Space, Memory and Hope. All are expressions of the basic cycle, one or two of these can get broken, they can merge between each other, but the basic purpose of all is to protect the basic element, all science-knowledge, mind-determination are for the life only.
This body, mind or intellect can get exhausted, but the life never gets tired. The physical body may become weak in the absence of food, water or strength; but the life never weakens. The memory-hope may gain/lose focus in the mind, but the life always stays focused.
This life is the foundation, there is nothing beyond this life. Everything is dedicated to the focal point of the life. Life is the father, Life is the mother, Life is the brother, Life is the teacher, Life is the Guru, Life is the ultimate reality.
This life element is the “Tatvamasi”…
This life element is the “Tatvamasi”…
This life element is the “Tatvamasi”…
Life is the basis of all elements, where there is life, the whole universe is located there. Narada asked – Then how do I perform Sadhana of Praan-Tatva, the life element? How do I achieve my desire? How do I assimilate this Life element “Tatvamasi”?
The Rishi replied – You do not obtain this, it is already established within you, and it is concealed in the darkness sins of multiple births, it is wrapped in the darkness of memory, hope, attachment, enmity, , strength, pride and arrogance. It is full of science-knowledge, but the layers of sinful actions of do not let you see, understand or experience your own basic life element “Tatvamasi”. You confine yourself only to the physical actions of your body. Always remember that the life element is established in this body itself. The strength, science-knowledge is all contained in this body, then you should repeatedly know and understand this life element. Then you will find peace within yourself, and will achieve the ultimate realization. Your ultimate reality is “Tatvamasi”. Sensing, knowing and understanding self at each moment is the “Tatvamasi” expression.
Remember, the following Shloka –
Om Hreem Mam Prana Deh Rom-Pratirom Cheitanya Jaagraye Hreem Om NamaH ||
Meaning activate and awaken each cell and atom of your body at every waking moment, then energize your body and stimulate your Praan Tatva, Life element. Then all the wishes and desires of the world will become your slaves. When you hear the vibrations of your soul, you will also hear the Paarbhahma Iswar spirit of the God. Those vibrations travel directly to your life, and when you receive instructions from the life element, then all the rays of light – Education, Speech, Mind, Determination, Sentiment (Expression), Meditation, Science, Strength, Food, Water, Vitality, Space, Memory and Hope become perfect.
Look at the sun. There is only one sun, and thousands of rays are emanating from it. All rays are illuminating all directions. Similarly, the life is the Sun and its rising-falling rays are – Education, Speech, Mind, Determination, Sentiment (Expression), Meditation, Science, Strength, Food, Water, Vitality, Space, Memory and Hope. You have to obtain all of these rays in your life, so achieve Life-element i.e. “Tatvamasi Bhaav”.
I am … I am … I am the element… This body has the basic element – Life Element. This Life Element is driving this body, mind, intellect, emotions and thoughts. We have to continuously activate this “Tatvam + Asi” consciousness, the root element Sun like Life, the Yagya Purush, has to be continuously kept conscious through the sacrificial oblations. Keep this light flame burning forever and ever, by continuously offering oblations in the form of action-thoughts, mind-intellect, food-water.
Aham Tatvamasi… Aham Praan Tatva masi, Aham Sarv Devaaye Asi… Aham Aadityaye Asi, Aham Sarv Tatvam Asi, Aham Bhaav Tatvamasi, I have to activate my Life Element.
-Gurudev Nand Kishore ji Shrimali