Kriya Yog
The only simple remedy for this is Kriya Yoga – One can travel hundreds of miles away through Kriya Yoga through the subtle body. One can listen to dialogue at remote locations; and all such surprising tasks are possible with the expansion of mental capacity.
Sadhaks seek
Success in Sadhanas
Focused concentration of mind
Direction of a learned Guru
Kriya Yoga
Highest stage of Yoga
a boon from Gurudev …
It is highly difficult to practice Sadhanas and attain detachment if one’s psyche is playful, mind wanders around, and the senses succumb to temptations. How to purify the mind, restrain and cleanse the mind, how to practice Sadhanas and attain detachment – a simple solution provided by the ancient sages to develop focused concentration of mind is Kriya Yoga.
How to recognize the Kriya Yoga, which creates a purer psyche and focused mind? What is its nature? What actually is Kriya Yoga? Patanjali Yoga Sootra answers these questions as –
TapaH Swadhyaayeshvarapranidhaanaani KriyaayogaH
i.e. Austerity, Study of Self and Surrender to Divine is Kriya Yoga.
The human body is so mysterious that the scientists, doctors, yogis and sadhaks have been trying to understand its mystery for thousands of years, and every time we discover something, we realize that there is much more to learn about. Still mankind has been tenuously trying to obtain as much knowledge about it as is possible and pass on the experience-knowledge to the next generation.
Delving deeply into this analysis, it is evident that the human mind is divided into two parts – inner-mind and external-mind. We can also term them as sub-consciousness and external-consciousness. The sub-conscience always remains active, pure and virtuous. The external-consciousness plays a major part in the daily living practices of the man, instead of sub-consciousness, as the sub-consciousness is more focused on keeping the mind pure and maintaining the expression of the Divine.
External and Inner Mind
In Kriya Yoga, the person interfaces his external consciousness with his own sub-consciousness, as the sub-consciousness is always free from any kind of disorder. It is neither influenced by any disorder, nor does it get tempted by any illusion, since it is full of Divinity. This sub-consciousness keeps human beings in the right sense and plays an important role in transforming towards divinity. Therefore, the action of connecting external-mind to inner-mind is highly significant and it is a beautiful approach to liberate the humans from disorders.
When both external and inner mind get interconnected, then the action of connecting these two minds is called Kriya Yoga. In this condition of interconnection of the two minds, the person starts feeling a sensation of a divine light within his self, which reduces his stress levels. He starts feeling joyful and realizes that the actual joy is within our own self, we do not need to bring it from outside.
Dhyaan (Meditation) – Dhaarana (Focus) – Samadhi (Trance)
The three core foundations of Kriya Yoga are – Dhyaan (Meditation), Dhaarana (Focus) and Samadhi (Trance). The meditation process provides continuity, consciousness, mental rest and dynamism to the person. “Meditation (Dhyaan)” is equivalent to calmness of water such that we can view its underwater surface. In fact, meditation is the process to eliminate all hypersensitivity, anxiety, embarrassment, worry and stress within us.
When the Sadhak starts entering deep within his sub-consciousness self, then initially he starts to see a single point of light. The diameter of this circular light enhances gradually. Initially this small point possesses a blue aura, but the size of light increases with continuous practice, and one can progress further to clearly view multiple or seven colours after regular practice. This symbolizes progression on the path of meditation. Deeper concentration in meditation hides the seven colours, and a bright white coloured divine light begins to appear. Visibility of this light is a sign of opening of the third eye. This enables the Sadhak to clearly view the past-present-future of self or of any other. The next step after meditation is – Focus or Concentration (Dhaarana).
Concentration (Dhaarana) means to become absorbed in self. Upon reaching this stage, the person acquires detachment from the world i.e. he becomes resistant to the worldly temptations and attachments. He develops a spectator perspective and he attains the state of Paramhansa.
The next state after Dhaarana (Focus-Concentration) is “Trance (Samadh)i“. Trance( Samadhi) means to forget one’s own self, to attain perfection, merge the self with the universe, acquire the capability to move anywhere physically in the universe, and to make the conditions favourable after interfering in actions of nature.
His face becomes glorious and he achieves perfection-totality.
Kriya Yoga – purification of body and mind
Kriya Yoga is actually a beautiful and unique attempt to transform our life towards Divinity, by removing the mental impurities, to achieve divine clarity. The highest state of Kriya Yoga is Nirvikalpa Samadhi (Continuous Trance) in which we can attain a thought-less mind. A person can cure himself on his own through thought-less mind. This technique is famous in the Western world as “Auto Healing”. It is generally called as Yoga-Nidra (Yogic Slumber) in our country.
The Sadhana method can be utilized in a strong, systematic manner for Kriya Yoga. Difficult Yogic actions, exercises, asanas or Hath-Yoga actions are not required. The Sadhak can achieve his or her goal by regularly chanting Mantra for some time daily, along with his or her daily chores.
Kriya Yoga Siddha Sadhana
In this Sadhana practice, you have to chant Mantras while seeing a Yantra continuously without shifting your gaze. It initiates the meditation state. Initially the problems of office and conflicts of office will start getting reduced, and you will start seeing a clear path.
Accomplishment of this practice will inculcate the state of thought-less mind. We get millions of thoughts every second in our mind. We keep connecting our future with these thoughts, and this causes pressure-stress on the delicate brain neurons. This paralyses the mind and stops the mental growth.
The thought-less mind cuts the person away from his little body and his small surroundings-world, and he gets into the process to merge his self with the entire universe. At this stage, he should incorporate into his mind that – “I am expanding my self within whatever is in the entire universe, in an unlimited infinite form, with unlimited power”. It is not just mere imagination, rather the person can expand his mental waves, through the divine element omnipresent within the universe. One can order someone sitting hundreds of miles away.
It is possible to travel hundreds of miles through the astral body. One can listen to dialogue happening at remote locations. Many such impossible-sounding surprising feats, can be easily done with the expansion of mental capacity.
The Sadhaks desirous of achieving the ultimate goal within their life can obtain wonderful fortune spiritual progress through this Sadhana.
Sadhana Procedure
- This Sadhana practice can be done on any Sunday.
- The Sadhaks should adorn white garments after taking fresh bath early in the morning, and sit on a white cotton asana facing North direction.
- First, spread a cloth over the wooden board in front of you, and setup Kriya Yoga Yantra in a copper plate on it. SetupKriya Siddhi Mala in front of it.
- Light the aromatic incense and ghee lamp. Perform Guru-pujan and worship the Yantra according to the “Dainik Sadhana Vidhi” book.
- Then chant the one mala rosary-round) Guru Mantra using the Kriya Siddhi Mala. Thereafter chant 11 malas of following mantra for 5 days –
|| Om Hreem Hreem Ayeim Kriya Siddhim Om ||
- After chanting the mantra daily, sitting in Padmasana or Siddhasana, with a straight spine, meditate on the tip of the nose and experience that – “ I am continuously watching the divine vastness around me, the intensity, superiority and divinity powers are enhancing within my self, and I am progressing towards my goals within their care and influence. My mind is full of joy, each of my cell is blossoming with happiness and contentment, because now my intellect has purity, intensity, divinity and capability.”
Meditate on these thoughts for five or ten minutes, so that these thoughts make a permanent impression on your mind. Then perform daily worship after bowing in the holy feet of Pujya Gurudev.
- After five days, drop the Yantra and the mala in a flowing water stream.
- After completion of 5 days, follow the above step number 6 daily for 10 minutes at any time between 4 AM and 6 AM.
Note– Perform physical exercise, yoga, pranayama, anulom-vilom or a light exercise for before starting the Sadhana-meditation. Take light fruit or milk as per your choice after completing the Sadhana practice. Thereafter start your daily activities.
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