Kinnari Sadhana
Shiva Kalpa – Sadhana Festival – 28 January 2017 to 12 March 2017
Let the body be absolutely fit…
filled gracefully with Youth …
Rejuvenation of the body is possible
Composed by Sage Dhanvantari
Mrigaakshi Roop Garvita
Kinnari Sadhana
Sadhana to juice up the beauty of life to Perfection
One of the main Shaktis of Aadya Shakti Parvati is the – Kinnari, who is perfect in form, beauty and vitality; and transforms the Sadhaks of Shiva – Shakti after accomplishment.
Sage Dhanvantari, the great ascetic, supremely wise in Yogic knowledge, had the ability to treat all types of diseases. But one worry was slowly consuming his all thoughts, that his life was ageing with the passage of time. The Youth was getting over and old age was rapidly approaching. This was eroding interest in life, he had become a great chemist and pharmacist, but he was unable to sap the vital-juices of life. One day he fell asleep while contemplating in disappointment, with his mind full of worries. Lord Sadashiva transmitted a message in the dream. I am Rasheshwar, you have to attain perfection in vital-life juices, and Mrigaakshi Roop Garvita Kinnari can help you in transforming these vital juices. He got up with a jerk, and understood God’s message. He successfully accomplished the unique Mrigaakshi Roop Garvita Kinnari Sadhana, and this started the path of ever-youth in life.
The beauty of Kinnari … as cool as the snow lying on the tree in winter season, her simple innocent face yielding a soft touch pleasant to the eyes. One can only see naivety and innocence in those large staring black eyes. Her beauty is stable and calming, different from the glitzy glamorous form of the Apsara nymphs… Only a reflection of love is visible in that quiet face, full of innocence and calm, free from any excitement, liberated from levity, away from passions and fervour. Instead of sharp features of nymphs, the face of Kinnaris is full of softness, as tender and delicate as her limbs, in all forms, oval or round, rosy cheeks, softness in the eyes… manners dissolved in decency, the soft humming from the lips murmuring the sweet music notes of life full of kindness.
The beauty of Roop Garvita
Such is Mrigaakshi Roop Garvita. Proud of Her beauty, of the kind qualities in Her heart, and of Her femininity, a pride free from haughtiness or arrogance, a pride signifying Her femininity, ability to complete the masculinity, capable to bestow love-kindness from Her heart, a pride brimming with its intensity, whose sweet notes dissolve in the ears, reassuring the life. When she gets infatuated with the intoxication of Her own youth, in the light of Her own beauty, sparkling with the light aura and loving laughter of Her own creation, spreads Her laughter all around, losing Herself completely within, then hundreds of lights lit up even on the darkest of nights, reminding of the light-festival Diwali, the Mrigaakshi who has descended upon the earth, to spread excitement, energy and enthusiasm all around the life, mind full of laughters. Perfect neatly arranged white teeth like pomegranate seeds, surrounded with the graceful soft cheeks, without any metaphor. This is just a little glimpse of Her beauty, as described in ancient texts. The five-arrows of Kaamdev are useless as they cannot compare to Her hypnotic attractive laughter, which even confuses the sages, giving an illusion of a sweet note emanating from a perfect musical instrument. They cannot imagine, cannot believe that such sweet musical notes can emanate out of a female form as well.
Sweet Melody of Music
Adorned with yellow lustrous silky garments, shapely limbs, attractive captivating form, this Roop Garvita of medium height, bells enhancing Her jewellery … ankle bells in the legs, or waist bells in the waist or bells in the hair-braids, the ornaments trying to conceal the overflowing beauty… the captivating notes from her body drowning out these ornaments, such is Roop Garvita … Even the beauty forgets its own definition and takes inspiration, surprised and frozen, from the very form of Mrigaakshi.
How to Rejuvenate
Therefore, even masters like Dhanvantari Aacharya got compelled, to imbibe such heavenly beauty within their lives, to perfect the scriptures. Even after researching and composing the entire medical encyclopaedia, he could not find a method, which could, transform him at a single step. Something which could re-energize his tiring limbs and senses. Because, the entire science of medicine is useless in absence of the youth. A body may be healthy, but it is completely useless if it is bereft of the waves of youthfulness, if it has lost all desires to obtain anything, or to make someone your own… And Dhanvantari was unable to identify such a method, and so was unable to become the supreme master of the medical science. He had tried out various types of herbs, concoctions, mixtures with different kinds of experiments, but none of these methods showed promise to become the solution-cure. And then, he received this Sadhana process. He was not expecting to find a solution to this medical science problem in the spiritual Sadhanas, to obtain stunning Youth – the mystery which is embedded within the captivating form of Mrigaakshi Roop Garvita, the source of the youthful vibrations for the mind and the body. And truth be told, how can the youthful spirit arise in the old-tired bones, without meeting or embracing this beauty. Master Aacharya Dhanvantari got energised upon meeting Mrigaakshi Roop Garvita, and he achieved perfect solution to the medical problem.
Sadhana Sootra of Dhanvantari
He was an accomplished Aacharya Master, not only of medical sciences, but also of spiritual Sadhana realms. He researched and found a new method to control Mrigaakshi Roop Garvita. In reality, Mrigaakshi Herself got attracted towards this Master of the era, and this Sadhana resulted from this divine fusion. This made it very easy for future Sadhaks, to fulfil their desire to rejuvenate the life. To compose something new with partnership of this beauty. This is not an average Apsara nymph or Kinnari Sadhana, rather this is the most excellent, foundation of beauty, adorned with Roop Garvita title, to imbibe within the life.
You should perform, this Youthful Sadhana
This Sadhana can be performed on any day during the Shiva Kalp (January 28, 2017 to March 12, 2017). Each day of Shiva Kalp is suitable to perform Shiv Sadhana. This Sadhana of Lord Shiva along with His Shivaa Shakti Kinnari can be performed only in the evening after sunset. There is no need of any auspicious muhurath to perform this Kinnari Sadhana. The Sadhak can energise his self with youthful radiance whenever he feels berefit of energy or full of worries.
There is no need of any special Sadhana materials for Kinnari Sadhana, but men Sadhaks can wear Yellow silk dhoti and women Sadhaks can wear Yellow silk sari and Yellow upper garments. The hairs should be left untied and one should use perfume to enhance body fragrance. You should sit facing any direction except South direction.
Spread a yellow cloth on a wooden board in front and set up Guru Picture/ Guru Statue/ Guru Paaduka/ Guru Yantra. Meditate on the divine form of Gurudev Nikhil with folded hands to pray for success and blessings in the Kinnari Sadhana-
GururBrahmaa GururVishnuH Gururdevo MaheshwaraH |
GuruH Saakshaat Par Brahmaa Tasmei Shree Guruve NamaH ||
Bathe the Guru Picture / Statue/ Yantra / Paduka with water after Nikhil meditation –
Om Nikhilam Snaanam Samarpayaami ||
Then wipe with a clean cloth. Perform Panchopchaar worship-poojan with Kumkum (Vermilion), Akshat (Unbroken rice), Pushpa (Flowers), Neivedh (Sweets/Fruit offering), Dhoop (Incense) – Deep (Lamp); chanting following mantras –
Om Nikhilam Kumkum Samarpayaami ||
Om Nikhilam Akshtaan Samarpayaami ||
Om Nikhilam Pushpam Samarpayaami ||
Om Nikhilam Neivedhyam Nivedayaami ||
Om Nikhilam Dhoopam Aardhyaapayaami, Deepam Darshayaami ||
(Show Dhoop, Deep)
Now rotate three Achmaani (spoonful) water around the Guru Picture / Statue/ Yantra / Paduka and drop it on ground. Then chant 1 rosary-round of Guru Mantra with Guru Mala –
Om Param Tatvaaya Naaraayanaaya Gurubhayo Namah
After completing Panchopchaar Guru poojan, place a copper plate on the yellow cloth near Guru picture. Write “Asht Kinnaryei NamaH” with kumkum and setup Asht Kinnari Yantra, to invoke Mrigaakshi to come and assimilate within the self. Perform its poojan with flower petals, Akshat and scented-perfume. Place a mark of Kesar (Saffron) One Hundred Eight times on the Yantra while chanting the following Mantra One Hundred Eight times. You may use Soundarya Mala for this purpose. If you have any old Mantra-consecrated but unused Sfatik Mala, then you can also utilize that Mala for this purpose. Chanting the Mantra with right hand, keep making the mark on the Yantra with the ring-finger of left hand slowly. The ghee lamp should continue to be lit throughout the entire Sadhana duration. This is a seven day Sadhana. After completing of the day Sadhana, leave the Yantra and Mala in the worship place, and cover them with a clean cloth.
||Om Mrigaakshi Apsaraayei Vashyam Kaarya Siddhayei Phat ||
After chanting 108 times daily, on the last day i.e. on the seventh day, you also need to chant 11 mala (rosary-rounds) of this Mantra. Sit carefully with full concentration on that day and fill the air with aroma of scented perfume. Make a seat of scented flowers on the worship-place and place the Yantra on this seat.
You may feel a surge in the scented-aroma or an increase in light or hear musical notes of the anklets, while completing the Sadhana. This is the most appropriate time to get Mrigaakshi to promise to stay with you throughout your life as your lover, as your companion.
Thus this spiritual life transformational Sadhana gets accomplished, and it becomes the foundation-base for future Sadhanas, because the companionship of such beautiful Kinnari brings in the softness of love, leading to lightening flash youth, which is the main basis to obtain success in any Sadhana or to acquire any type of knowledge.
This Sadhana procedure, obtained from Aacharya Dhanvantari is unique, special, correct and hundred percent authentic.
Sadhana Materials – 430/-