Dialog with Loved Ones – March 2019
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Dialog with Loved Ones…
Dear Loved one,
Divine Blessings,
I read a story somewhere, wherein a Guru and His disciple were sitting and meditating in a garden. The disciple noticed an egg lying on the grass beneath a plant, and a small being was trying to break out of the egg shell. This struggle continued while the dawn turned into the dusk. The egg shell got cracked at multiple places. A tiny portion of the mouth of the larvae peeped out. The disciple was watching it very carefully and he thought that he should do something. The tiny larvae had been exerting the whole day, and the shell was cracking very slowly, bit by bit. The disciple felt great pity, while his Guru continued to remind him to focus on his meditation instead of shifting gaze elsewhere.
Finally, the disciple couldn’t bear it any more and he took out the larvae by breaking out the egg shell. He took her in his hand and gazed at it fondly, and felt very happy to save a little being with his efforts. However, the larvae died after a couple of hours. The disciple became very sad and asked his Guru the reason for its death. Guru replied – You took away this larvae’s life instead of granting it one.
Does this story of the egg, larvae and the butterfly sound familiar? You all come to me and relate your problems of life to me. Someone is sad in his job, while other is unhappy in his family. Someone else may be upset with constant bickering. There is a common thread. All of you are sad with your current situation, but you are not doing enough to change the circumstances. You expect someone else to save you. However, how will your confidence increase if someone else continues to support you. What would have happened to that larvae if that disciple had not saved her from that struggle? She would have fluttered among the flowers as a beautiful butterfly. She would have continued to dance throughout her life.
His Guru explained that – You felt the agony of that larvae. It was neither suffering nor pain. She was pushing the egg shell with her limbs, and this exercise was making her wings more stronger. Her wings would have gathered full strengthwithin the next few days, and this would have enabled her to strike away the shell and come out completely in one go.
Struggle is synonymous with the change of circumstances. Everyone cries in distress, but only very few struggle. Most people make compromises with their lives and live under a cloud of fear. This cloud of fear originates from what you folks term as the society.
Only the valiant armored fall in the field of battle
The craven on knees should be somewhere else
A major fact is that – this entire society has been created for our own benefit. We were not created for this society. You waste your entire life in making complaints and compromises between the two.
You definitely feel something lacking in your current life. It is a very good thing that you do feel absence of something. However, only we will have to gather the courage and strength to change these circumstances. Nobody else will come to change your life. You will have to build up this courage from within your own self, only then you can fully realize the “PoornamadaH PoornaMidam”
You have been making multitudes of goals for your life from your childhood. Stop and think – Have you accomplished whatever you planned for and thought of in your childhood? Are you progressing on the path which you wished for, in your childhood. Are you doing full justice to your talent.
If your answer is that – Yes, I am progressing in the correct direction in accordance with my beliefs and am making full use of my talents, then you should not have any complaints from your life.
The biggest problem in life is not to obtain success or failure. The biggest problem in life is the partial effort, applied with partial focus. Now our mind is our own. Why are we not able to apply it fully, to achieve full success?
Certainly we shall reach our mark,
In-spite of roaming hither and tither;
Truly lost are those,
Who never left their abode.
We need to keep only a few minor points in our mind. First of all, you should determine what you want in your life. Then you should pay attention to the things that can grant you happiness.
Do not ever delay your tasks. The basic origin of tension is the difference between expected and actual timings of your tasks. You ought to totally wipe out the difference between expectation and completion.
Why not start a new beginning if you beget failure? Do not think negatively about your experiences. Utilize your experience to progress ahead. A new chapter in the book of life is being written daily. Our decisions of today shape our results of tomorrow.
I want to give you the ability to make decisions. You should decide. Remove the doubts from your mind. Absence of decisions will increase your dependency on others, it will make you their slave. You should make firm decisions by yourself, and you possess full capabilities to do this. You have masked this ability. You have to make decision yourself. It is quite possible that you may encounter a few failures. However you should make your own decisions. You should develop this capability of making decisions yourself. What lies in the future? Future will definitely be good. Why not. It will certainly be good. God is with you, Guru is with you. It will definitely be good. How does it matter if 2, 4 or 10 people in this wide world turn against you.
You have unlimited store of power within yourself. The power of faith resides within your own self. Come with me with this full faith…. This is a superior life and will obviously become the best. You will definitely achieve your goals.
The toils will surely escort you on the path to success,
The travails will try their most to scare you off.
Keep walking, lose not a single step,
The goal is out there, arrive we surely shall there.
I rebel to triumph over my own self
I seek to thwart my own self
Nand Kishore Shrimali