Dialog with Loved Ones – February 2017

अपनों से अपनी बात…
प्रिय आत्मन्,
नववर्ष की पूर्व संध्या पर आप मेरे पास दिल्ली आरोग्यधाम में आए, आप और हम मिले। आपने मेरी बातें प्रेम से सुनी, यह मेरा सौभाग्य है कि मेरे जीवन में ऐसे मित्र, सहयोगी, शिष्य हैं जिनके पास बैठने से मुझे आनन्दानुभूति होती है, जो स्वयं मेरे पास बैठकर आनन्दित होते है। यह जो आनन्द का प्रवाह है यह न लेने की क्रिया है, न देने की क्रिया है। यह तो अपने आप व्याप्त हो जाता है। ऐसा लगता है एक शीतल चांदनी का प्रकाश, एक उगते हुए सूर्य का प्रकाश आभा से युक्त होकर हमारे बीच में व्याप्त हो गया है। इन्हीं क्षणों में हम एक-दूसरे को अनुभव करते हैं। एक दूसरे का मानसिक, शाब्दिक स्पर्श प्राप्त होता है। इस मानसिक और शाब्दिक स्पर्श में ही एक ईश्‍वरीय ज्योति है। जो केवल और केवल अनुभव की जा सकती है।
वह ईश्‍वर भी यहीं हमारे और आपके मन में व्याप्त है, जो अदृश्य नहीं है। वह तो सर्वत्र दिख रहा है, भीतर दिख रहा है। भीतर सुनाई दे रहा है, उसी की तो कीर्ति, ध्वनि, उष्णता सब माध्यम से हमारे बीच व्याप्त होती है। यही ईश्‍वरीय अनुभूति गुरु और शिष्य के पास बैठने से प्राप्त होती है।
यह आपसी वार्तालाप के शब्द ही तो जीवन के सबसे बड़े मोती, माणक्य, हीरे हैं। कितने संजाते हो तुम अपने भीतर, कितने उतारते हो तुम अपने भीतर। शब्द ईश्‍वर है, शब्द प्राण युक्त संजीवन तत्व है। वे चुपचाप हृदय में प्रवेश कर जाते हैं। कई बार तो मुझे लगता है कि क्या शब्द आवश्यक है? हां, बिना बोले ही तो गुरु और शिष्य आपस में बहुत कुछ कह देते हैं। एक दूसरे को जैसे पास होते हुए भी दो प्रेमी निशःब्द रहकर बहुत कुछ आपस में कह जाते हैं। यह उपस्थित रहना ही तो जीवन्तता है। तुम मेरे पास उपस्थित हो, मैं तुम्हारे पास उपस्थित हूं। एक निशब्द मौन तुम्हारे और मेरे बीच में है। बड़ा गहरा संवाद है, तुम्हारे और मेरे बीच में। इसी संवाद में जीवन का आनन्द है, उत्साह है।
निशःब्द मौन में गहरा भाव है, गहरी तरंगें है, गहरा प्रवाह है। बिना कहे निशःब्द अनुभूति ऊर्जायुक्त प्रवाह है। ओस निशःब्द है, सुगंध निशब्द, विचार निःशब्द है, प्रेम निशःब्द, चाह निशःब्द। यह निःशब्द की ऊर्जा बड़ी गहरी और घनी है। तुम उस ऊर्जा को अनुभव करते हो। मैं उस ऊर्जा को निरन्तर अनुभव करता हूं यही तो प्रेम है। यही तो श्रद्धा है और यही तो विश्‍वास है।
विश्‍वास, आस्था और प्रेम एक ही शब्द है, एक ही अर्थ है। यह रेगिस्तान का वह छिपा हुआ झरना है जो बहुत मधुर, मीठा है। सोच-विचार की यात्रा द्वारा इस झरने तक पहुंचा ही नहीं जा सकता। वहां तो बस मन की मतवाली चाल में पहुंच जाते है।  यदि तुम विचार कर, बहुत सोचकर विश्‍वास, प्रेम और आस्था का यह झरना प्राप्त करना चाहते हो तो वह कभी नहीं मिलेगा। सोच-विचार तो मृग तृष्णा की भांति तुम्हें भटकाता रहेगा। यदि तुमने अपने मन में भरोसा कर, अपने मन में प्रेम, विश्‍वास और आस्था के कल्प वृक्ष का बीजारोपण कर दिया है तो वह तुम्हें अपने आप ईश्‍वर के पास, परमात्मा के पास, आनन्द के पास अपने आप पहुंचा देगा। अब प्रेम और आस्था की यात्रा करो वह तुम्हें परमानन्द अवश्य प्रदान करेगी।
बहुत गहरी बात है कि – प्रेम और संदेह में आपस में कोई वार्तालाप नहीं है, कोई बोलचाल भी नहीं है। हो ही नहीं सकती है क्योंकि दोनों अलग-अलग धु्रव में खड़े हैं। जहां संदेह है, संशय है वहां प्रेम नहीं हो सकता है और जहां प्रेम है वहां कोई संशय और संदेह हो ही नहीं सकता है।
तुम कभी सुख की बात करते हो, कभी दुःख की बात करते हो। यह सुख और दुःख बड़ी ही सामान्य और तुलनात्मक बातें हैं। बहुत कड़वी बात है कि हमारे वर्तमान के दुःख का कारण हमारे भूतकाल की आनन्द की यादें है। दुःखी तुम नहीं हो, तुम्हारी यादों का प्रवाह तुम्हें बार-बार पीड़ा के लिये मजबूर करता है तो उसमें से बाहर निकलिये और उन्हें अपने मन से ही निकाल दीजिये क्योंकि तुम्हें आगे आनन्द की यात्रा करनी है। पीछे के आनन्द को पकड़े रखोगे तो बेल की भांति केवल और केवल उस भूतकाल रूपी वृक्ष से लिपटे रह जाओगे। तुम्हारी वृद्धि सीमित हो जायेगी और जल्दी सूख जाओगे। यदि तुम बढ़ना चाहते हो, आनन्द के साथ बढ़ना चाहते हो तो अपनी श्रद्धा, अपने प्रेम और विश्‍वास से बढ़ो। सहारा तो एक झूठी मृग तृष्णा की भांति है। कभी भी टूट सकता है लेकिन यदि तुमने अपनी आस्था, विश्‍वास और प्रेम की जड़ें मजबूत कर ली है तो तुम्हारे जीवन का आनन्द वृक्ष सदैव और सदैव ऊपर की ओर बढ़ेगा। तुम कर्मफल से युक्त हाओगे और यह कर्मफल तुम्हें आनन्द देगा।
इसके लिये तुम केवल एक काम करो। तुम अपने आपके नजदीक आ जाओ। यदि तुम अपने स्वयं के निकट नहीं हो तो दूसरों को अपने निकट कैसे कर सकते हो? हम सब दूसरों को अपने निकट रखने का प्रयास करते रहते हैं। शायद इसी को कामना कहा गया है लेकिन इन्हें पकड़कर रखना बड़ा मुश्किल कार्य है। जितना तुम पकड़ने का प्रयास करते हो, उतना ही यह छूट कर अलग हो जाती है। बस एक काम करो, तुम स्वयं अपने स्व के निकट आ जाओ। अपने ‘स्व’ को अनुभव करो। अपने स्व को अनुभूत करो। अपने स्व को जीवन्त करो। तब तुम्हें शायद किसी दूसरे की आवश्यकता ही नहीं पड़ेगी। यही तो मुक्त होने की आनन्द-मग्न होने की क्रिया है। अपने आपको अनुभव करना, बहुत बड़ा विशाल कार्य है और इसे ही कर्म कहा गया है। यदि तुम्हारे प्रत्येक कर्म का उद्देश्य अपने स्वयं के निकट होना हो तो प्रत्येक कर्म तुम्हारे लिये आनन्ददायक बन जायेगा। साधना का अर्थ भी यही है, अपने निकट होना। कहीं दूर नहीं जाना है, यात्रा लम्बी नहीं करनी है। यात्रा तो भीतर की करनी है। जहां आनन्द का अमृत कुण्ड है।
तुम्हारे मेरे भीतर ही गुरु स्थापित हैं, ईश्‍वर स्थापित हैं, शक्ति स्थापित है, प्राण जिसका स्वरूप है, प्रकाश जिसका स्वरूप है। वह सर्वकर्म समर्थ वही ज्योति मेरी आत्मा है, मेरा मानस है, मेरी चेतना है। उसी आत्मा में, मैं श्रद्धा रखता हूं और यही श्रद्धा और प्रेम मेरा ईश्‍वर है।
एक बात और जब घर से बाहर निकलते हो तो अपना पर्स, बैग अवश्य टटोलते हो। चाबी, कार्ड सबकुछ तुम्हारे पास सुरक्षित हैं या नहीं यह जरूर जांच लेते हो तो जब रोज-रोज जीवन की यात्रा करते हो तो प्रतिदिन एक बार अपने मन पर हाथ रखकर भी विचार करो कि – तुम्हारा ईश्‍वर, तुम्हारा प्रेम, तुम्हारी श्रद्धा, तुम्हारा विश्‍वास तुम्हारे पास सुरक्षित है या नहीं है। बार-बार इसी की आवश्यकता पड़ेगी, इसे कहीं खो मत देना, हर समय इसे अपने पास रखना और अनुभव करते रहना..
शिवरात्रि शिविर में महाकाल की नगरी, उज्जैन में मिलेंगे, उसके पहले और उसके बाद तुम मुझसे जोधपुर, दिल्ली मिलने की कोशिश अवश्य करना।
जो तुम कोशिश करोगे तो तुम्हारी वह कोशिश अवश्य सफल होगी, यह मेरा विश्‍वास है…
सस्नेह आपका अपना
नन्दकिशोर श्रीमाली
Dialog with Loved Ones
Dear loved one,
Divine Blessings,
You came to meet me on New year’s eve at Delhi Arogyadham, and we met each other. You listened to my words carefully with love. I am fortunate to have such friends, associates and disciples, who grant me great joy with their company, and they too rejoice in my company. This flow of pure joy, is devoid of either giving or taking. It manifests by itself. It seems that the soft moonlight, the aura of the light of rising sun has manifested itself among ourselves. We experience each other during such moments. We receive mental and literal touch of each other. A divine flame exists within this mental and literal touch, which can only be experienced.
God Almighty is also present within our own minds, He is not invisible. He is visible everywhere around us, is visible within our own inner selves. We can hear His divine vibrations within us, and His glory, words and intensity manifests within ourselves through multiple mediums. We can experience this divine sensation by sitting with the Guru and the disciple.
These words of mutual conversation are the greatest treasures of your life, as valuable as pearls, gems and diamonds. How much do you decorate within yourself, how much deeper do you venture into your own inner self. The words themselves are divine, they are the basic elements of life. They quietly enter the hearts. Sometimes I wonder if the words are necessary at all. The Guru and the disciple transmit their thoughts for each other without uttering a single word. Like two lovers completing a deep conversation without uttering a single word. Being present for each other is the basic vital element of life. You are present with me, and I am present with you. A giant wordless silence exists between both of us. There is a very deep conversation between both of us. This lively active dialog is full of the joy and zest for the life.
The wordless silence has a very deep sense, full of deep waves within the deep flow. The silent dialog is the transfer of divine energy. The dew stays silent, the fragrance is always silent, the thoughts, love and the desires are always silent. This silence has highly intense and deep level of energy. You experience this energy flow. I constantly experience this energy, this itself is the divine love. This is also the basis of the faith and trust.
Trust, faith and love are the same word having the same meaning. This is the divine concealed sweet fresh oasis of the desert. One cannot reach this waterfall by careful consideration and planning. You can reach here only through the wonderings of the mind. If you wish to attain this fountain of trust, love and faith through deep thinking and planning, then you will never achieve it. The argument-debates will distract you. If you have planted the seed of love, trust and faith within your mind, then this will automatically lead you to the Almighty-God, the fountain of joy. You should travel with love and faith, this journey will certainly provide you the ultimate bliss.
It is a very deep thought – there is absolute absence of any dialog between the love and doubt. It is not possible to have any conversation between the two since both exist in completely different planes. Love cannot exist in an environment of doubt and confusion, and the presence of love drives away all the doubts and confusions.
Sometimes you talk of happiness, and sometimes you talk of sorrow. The happiness and sorrow are very general comparable quantities. It is sad to state that our present sorrows are due to the memories of our glorious past. You are not sad, rather the flow of your memories is hurting you. Snap out of this situation and remove these memories directly from your mind, because you wish to travel ahead on the path of joyful rejoicing. Limiting yourself to the past happiness will only tie you to the tree of the past. This will limit your development and you will dry up pretty quickly. If you wish to grow ahead, if you wish to move with joy, then you should move along with your faith, love and trust. The support system is just a mirage. It can break anytime, but if you have strengthened your roots of faith, love and trust; then the joyful tree of your life will always grow upwards. You will be busy with work items and these fruits of your labour will sustain your joyful rejoicing.
You need to take only one action for this to happen. Come near your own self. If you are not near your own self, then how can you be near to others. We always strive to stay near and close with others. Perhaps this is the actual meaning of the desire, but it is very difficult to hold onto this. The more you try to hold it, the more it snaps away from you. Just take one action, come near your own self. Experience your own “self”. Sense your own self. Enliven your own self. Then you will probably not require anyone else. This is the process to liberate, to enhance the joyful rejoicing. Experiencing your own self is a very great task, and it is termed as Karma-action. If you make the goal of each of your karma-action to come nearer to your own self, then each karma-action will become joyful. Sadhana also mean the same thing, to come near to own self. We do not need to travel anywhere, we do not need to undertake any long journey. We just need to travel to our own inner self, which is the reservoir of the Nectar Amrit.
Guru is setup within you and me, God is setup within our own inner self, Shakti-energy is setup within us, which radiates in the form of vitality and light. This conscious ability is the flame of my soul, my mind, and my consciousness. I keep faith in this soul-spirit, and this faith-love is the manifestation of my God.
One more reminder. You check your purse and bag while getting out of your house. You certainly check for the safety of the keys and cards. During this daily journey of your life, you should also remind yourself – about the safety of your God, your love, your faith and your trust. You will require these frequently, do not lose them. Always keep them with you and continue to experience them.
We will meet during Shivraatri Sadhana camp in Ujjain, the city of Mahakala. You should definitely try to meet me in Jodhpur or Delhi before and after the Shivraatri.
Whatever you are trying for, you will definitely achieve success, this is my belief …
Cordially yours
Nand Kishore Shrimali
Dialog with Loved Ones
Dear loved one,

Divine Blessings,


You came to meet me on New year’s eve at Delhi Arogyadham, and we met each other. You listened to my words carefully with love. I am fortunate to have such friends, associates and disciples, who grant me great joy with their company, and they too rejoice in my company. This flow of pure joy, is devoid of either giving or taking. It manifests by itself. It seems that the soft moonlight, the aura of the light of rising sun has manifested itself among ourselves. We experience each other during such moments. We receive mental and literal touch of each other. A divine flame exists within this mental and literal touch, which can only be experienced.


God Almighty is also present within our own minds, He is not invisible. He is visible everywhere around us, is visible within our own inner selves. We can hear His divine vibrations within us, and His glory, words and intensity manifests within ourselves through multiple mediums. We can experience this divine sensation by sitting with the Guru and the disciple.


These words of mutual conversation are the greatest treasures of your life, as valuable as pearls, gems and diamonds. How much do you decorate within yourself, how much deeper do you venture into your own inner self. The words themselves are divine, they are the basic elements of life. They quietly enter the hearts. Sometimes I wonder if the words are necessary at all. The Guru and the disciple transmit their thoughts for each other without uttering a single word. Like two lovers completing a deep conversation without uttering a single word. Being present for each other is the basic vital element of life. You are present with me, and I am present with you. A giant wordless silence exists between both of us. There is a very deep conversation between both of us. This lively active dialog is full of the joy and zest for the life.


The wordless silence has a very deep sense, full of deep waves within the deep flow. The silent dialog is the transfer of divine energy. The dew stays silent, the fragrance is always silent, the thoughts, love and the desires are always silent. This silence has highly intense and deep level of energy. You experience this energy flow. I constantly experience this energy, this itself is the divine love. This is also the basis of the faith and trust.


Trust, faith and love are the same word having the same meaning. This is the divine concealed sweet fresh oasis of the desert. One cannot reach this waterfall by careful consideration and planning. You can reach here only through the wonderings of the mind. If you wish to attain this fountain of trust, love and faith through deep thinking and planning, then you will never achieve it. The argument-debates will distract you. If you have planted the seed of love, trust and faith within your mind, then this will automatically lead you to the Almighty-God, the fountain of joy. You should travel with love and faith, this journey will certainly provide you the ultimate bliss.


It is a very deep thought – there is absolute absence of any dialog between the love and doubt. It is not possible to have any conversation between the two since both exist in completely different planes. Love cannot exist in an environment of doubt and confusion, and the presence of love drives away all the doubts and confusions.


Sometimes you talk of happiness, and sometimes you talk of sorrow. The happiness and sorrow are very general comparable quantities. It is sad to state that our present sorrows are due to the memories of our glorious past. You are not sad, rather the flow of your memories is hurting you. Snap out of this situation and remove these memories directly from your mind, because you wish to travel ahead on the path of joyful rejoicing. Limiting yourself to the past happiness will only tie you to the tree of the past. This will limit your development and you will dry up pretty quickly. If you wish to grow ahead, if you wish to move with joy, then you should move along with your faith, love and trust. The support system is just a mirage. It can break anytime, but if you have strengthened your roots of faith, love and trust; then the joyful tree of your life will always grow upwards. You will be busy with work items and these fruits of your labour will sustain your joyful rejoicing.


You need to take only one action for this to happen. Come near your own self. If you are not near your own self, then how can you be near to others. We always strive to stay near and close with others. Perhaps this is the actual meaning of the desire, but it is very difficult to hold onto this. The more you try to hold it, the more it snaps away from you. Just take one action, come near your own self. Experience your own “self”. Sense your own self. Enliven your own self. Then you will probably not require anyone else. This is the process to liberate, to enhance the joyful rejoicing. Experiencing your own self is a very great task, and it is termed as Karma-action. If you make the goal of each of your karma-action to come nearer to your own self, then each karma-action will become joyful. Sadhana also mean the same thing, to come near to own self. We do not need to travel anywhere, we do not need to undertake any long journey. We just need to travel to our own inner self, which is the reservoir of the Nectar Amrit.


Guru is setup within you and me, God is setup within our own inner self, Shakti-energy is setup within us, which radiates in the form of vitality and light. This conscious ability is the flame of my soul, my mind, and my consciousness. I keep faith in this soul-spirit, and this faith-love is the manifestation of my God.


One more reminder. You check your purse and bag while getting out of your house. You certainly check for the safety of the keys and cards. During this daily journey of your life, you should also remind yourself – about the safety of your God, your love, your faith and your trust. You will require these frequently, do not lose them. Always keep them with you and continue to experience them.


We will meet during Shivraatri Sadhana camp in Ujjain, the city of Mahakala. You should definitely try to meet me in Jodhpur or Delhi before and after the Shivraatri.


Whatever you are trying for, you will definitely achieve success, this is my belief …

Cordially yours
Nand Kishore Shrimali
error: Jai Gurudev!