Dialog with Loved ones – April 2018
अपनों से अपनी बात…
Dialog with Loved Ones…
Dear Loved one,
Divine Blessings,
I will start by narrating an adorable traveler tale, popular around the rural areas. One traveler had started for a journey from his village. A path from the village led to a distant, very distant … location though thick forests. None of the villagers knew its destination. This was the first time for the traveler. He started to walk, a little hesitant and scared. He had traveled a certain distance, but was not sure whether to proceed further on the path. He observed that many travelers were travelling on the same path ahead of him, and he also noticed that couple of travelers were following him behind on this path. It was obvious that the path was going somewhere, but where actually? He did not know this yet.
The traveler thought that the travelers following him might probably not know about the final destination of this path. However, the ones proceeding ahead, should certainly know – They have been travelling on this path for much more time, and I should be able to benefit from their experience.
While unraveling these entangled muddled thoughts in his mind, the traveler noticed an old man approaching him from a village trail. The traveler instantly questioned him – “Brother! Where does this path go to? ”
The elderly person replied innocently, “This path stays stationary. It does not go anywhere. However, people do use this path to travel.”
This was an enigmatic response, but it enraged the traveler. He did not want to talk in riddles. He just wanted to know where that path go to? Will he be able to reach his destination by treading this path? So he counter-questioned – “Many people are reaching their destination by travelling on this path, so it should certainly go somewhere. Either you do not want to tell me, or you yourself do not know. ”
The elderly person replied, “You just stated that many people are going on this path and are reaching towards their destination through this path.”
Now if the path had also traveled with them, then the path would have also vanished from the sight, like these other travelers. However, this path has been stationary right here, at the same place all this time.
Now the new traveler understood the specific point made by the elderly person. The travelers move over the path, however the path remains stationary. Now, I have to consider if I will be able to reach my destination by treading this path.
Suddenly he stopped his train of thoughts. He had now probably realized that the elderly person seemed to be a highly wise man, not a common country imbecile.
The traveler asked – I’ve gotten tired. Is there any place nearby to rest for a few hours? The elderly replied that his cottage was situated a little distance away, and that the traveler could rest there.
In the evening, the old man cooked dinner and invited the traveler to share the meal. Then he advised the traveler to rest. The travel was eagerly excited and wanted to ascertain if the path would him to his destination. He had now realized that only the elderly person will be able to solve this quandary for him.
He insisted again and made a repeated request to the elderly person, “Please tell me whether I will reach my destination through this path or not?’
The elderly did not give a direct answer. Rather he questioned, “First, tell me what is your destination? Who has decided this destination for you? If you are doing this journey on guidance of someone else, then you will never be able to reach your destination. Neither this nor any other path will be able to take you to your destination. You will succeed only if you alone has chosen the destination by yourself.”
You are repeatedly talking about the destination, maybe you want to know whether you will be able to attain your goals. Try to understand carefully, this journey which have set out for, is the real truth of life – Every step that you take, is the basic truth of life. Goal is just a tempting inspiration. You will be able to complete your journey, if you love your work.
The traveler next asked – One meets many different types of strangers on the way. How should I deal with them?
- Act according to the instincts which you get in your mind. However do not display bitter behavior. Your inner mind will always tell you the truth. Your intellect will confuse you and it will prompt you to take advantages of the situations.
The traveler further asked – What should I do when I encounter obstacles on the way?
- If you love your work, then obstacles will not trouble you at all. Step back if the obstacles seem overwhelming. Restart your journey, when you again develop love towards your work.
Traveler – Whom to trust during this journey?
- Believe in yourself. Whenever you feel disbelief, realize that the second person is not worth trusting.
Traveler – Should I setup new goals, if my current goals get completed?
- The purpose of every journey is to acquire wealth, accomplish tasks and attain peace. When you realize all three, then you should understand that Divine peace is your ultimate goal.
The traveler thanked the elderly and proceeded to leave. The elderly person reminded him – Continue to travel only till you enjoy completing your work, and get passionate excitement from within yourself. The journey beyond that point is a mere craving for temptations, it does not have any end.
The traveler had unwittingly found a Guru, and that Guru had explained all rules of life to him in four simple points.
It will be very difficult if you wish to walk through this journey of life all alone by yourself. You will have to cooperate with others, and in-turn get cooperation from others. You will have to learn to trust others, apart from earning their trust. This is generally termed as the duty-responsibility in the worldly language. You will have to awaken the third eye from within your own self, while travelling uninterrupted in this life. You can comprehend and intuit from your own inner power, this process is the one generally called as Chakra-activation. It enables you to recognize the difference between your own and others. One who is located near you doesn’t necessarily have to be close to you, and similarly, the one who is located remotely from you doesn’t necessarily have to be distant from you.
You have learnt three formula of life – responsibilities, duties and adjustments; and you have been leading your life by balancing this trinity. Adjustment is elastic like rubber, as you pull yourself to adjust, your mind and soul also pushes away. The duties get performed gradually, and the responsibilities also get completed eventually. However, these processes dry up the glands of the mind. Their activity diminishes and this causes you to stray away from your true nature.
Try to remember, how during your childhood days, you used to play, sleep soundly and laughed loudly. Now these small things don’t make you happy.
Maybe you feel that you have reached a mature stage now. I do not think so. You have rather become more intelligent. You have started to deeply analyze everything, every conversation, every experience. Probably, this has made your nature more colder.
Remember what the elderly person had said, Peace is the ultimate goal …
The goal of your life journey is also to attain peace …
Knowledge and peace are similar to each other …
Where there is knowledge, there is peace and where there is peace, there is knowledge.
You should not seek the guidance of the intellect, rather you should try to go under the shade of wisdom-knowledge. Guru is the personification of that knowledge-wisdom. The presence of knowledge slows down the physical ageing. It leads to blooming of the eternal lotus of joy within the mind, it sprouts the spring of divine elixir within the mind.
The joy of dedication cannot be obtained from anywhere else, you can obtain it only from the divine nectar within your own self.
All of your Sadhanas, your penance are meant to achieve the same goal, to lovingly imbibe whatever Guru grants you. Guru will grant whatever your need, you should respectfully assimilate the Shaktipaat from Guru into your own mind.
Guru is for you, you are for the Guru.
Everything else …
Nand Kishore Shrimali
Nikhil Janmotsav (Birthday) festival is on 21st April. It is your own birthday, you are not distinct from Gurudev. You should meditate and perform Sadhana with full divine love. Determine the course of your life. This power of determination will motivate you to always walk on correct chaste path in this journey of life …