स्वयं की शक्ति (Own Strength)
Power of Self
You are God’s precious masterwork
It will be Good…
It will be Good…
Brainstorming and Actions
Generally every person keeps thinking about his own problems and keeps troubling himself with them. He invites worries to come to him. Are you aware of your inherent powers and how to develop these powers? Do you ever consider this question?
The Almighty God has provided you this beautiful life for a definite purpose and you should always be confident that you will certainly accomplish that objective and goal.
The utmost attribute of human personality is that though his powers are rather limited, yet his desires are always on an unlimited flight. Every person has to accomplish some action at each and every moment. He cannot stay even a moment without any action. Moreover, you need to understand that a person is unable to think very less about himself as he is continuously engrossed in his day-to-day concerns, worries and stresses. So he functions like a machine throughout his busy hectic life. He tries his utmost to turn situations favorable during adversities. Thus he lives a mechanical life. He thinks very less about self, and much more about others daily, he is always engaged in trying to prove himself to be best.
Now who is at fault, Think? Consider whether you want to continuously think about others, or about self – .
The human nature is very simple. He has a stubbornness, a competitive streak inside him. He desires to possess every beautiful, precious object, person and place. Furthermore all his thoughts and efforts are concentrated towards the viewpoint that I should be influential and impressive in beauty, wealth, body and luxuries. This is a twin-pronged thought, one he desires to possess everything in sight; and secondly, he wishes to effectively influence everything around him. All his thoughts always revolve around the basic instinct to try to prove himself to be the best.
But what happens in reality? He is ever trapped in these thoughts. The cycle of time is also very strong. The physical body deteriorates steadily, but the desires and wishes keep increasing. Thus the mental powers weaken. This cycle occurs in everyone’s life. So you will find most people full of worries and tensions. They have themselves put these anxieties in their life. The major surprise is the fact that 90% of human life is ordained by nature i.e Providence. A person has only 10% control through his actions and thoughts, but what does the man do? He keeps worrying about the things which he cannot influence, which are controlled by the Almighty God. He can control only his thoughts and actions, and so he should turn them positive. If you turn this 10% part i.e. thoughts and actions into positivity, then your entire life will become smooth and orderly.
Let us think further, what situations you can control, and what situations you cannot control.
Desires make us Weaker
The greatest weakness of human being is that he thinks the most about his desires, his loved ones and his society. He gets depressed, dejected, desperate, distressed and disappointed due to those worries and tensions; which are out of his control. He is ever afraid of the future. He spoils his present while worrying about his future. This turns his positive thinking into negative and then he begins to live a basic, menial life. However, contemplate that you were born in the human form to make yourself more successful in the future. We should realize that we should take a positive view towards the situations which are not in our control, which are unknown, and which we cannot predict earlier; and we should constantly remind ourselves that the good times are ahead, and new doors of joy are being opened for us.
What does our Indian philosophy state about this ?
A core principle of the Indian philosophy states that the human beings have a massive potential for supernatural, infinite and eternal energies, which are covered by four layers, and these layers cause deterioration of their personality.
These four layers are – 1. Kaam (sex), 2. Krodh (anger), 3. Lobh (greed) and 4. Atimoh (delusion)
These wraps cause him to weave a web of happiness and sorrows, and he remains struck and stranded within these webs. In reality, these webs were woven by the person himself.
Kaam (Lust) – The flow of lust in human life causes mental disturbances and impulses. The desire to win forces him to repeatedly raise the stakes.
Krodh (Anger) – The anger causes a person to impose his own mistakes forcefully on others. A person becomes angry to hide his own mistakes.
Lobh (Greed) – The wish to possess, to own and achieve every good thing, causes him to snatch and grab.
Atimoh (Attachment) – The trap of Atimoh causes an individual to assume that “I am the one to provide food, amenities and shelter to all, and that I should not cease or perish before making all the arrangements.”
These four reasons do not allow a person to get introduced to his real power, to recognize his hidden potentials. All four attributes listed above are necessary in human life, however, they should be limited to a certain degree. They should not be so rigidly strong that you cannot overcome them. None of these should be excessive. Undertake all these four actions, but do not get completely immersed within them.
This is proven that a human has infinite potentials, but he is unable to identify this due to a diminished analytical ability and instability of thoughts. A person is capable to achieve anything through his ideas and thoughts. No one is born great, only one who controls self and awakens his inner capacities, becomes great. God has provided similar powers to everyone, we should learn how to recognize and control these powers. There is only one way that we analyze about these capacities and resolve to setup limits to the four wrapping layers i.e. lust, anger, greed and attachment. Set limits and concentrate self, to initiate the awakening and activation of the self.
Keep repeating these following resolutions during the power analysis of your life –
- Do not think of yourself as tiny or small. You are God’s precious work and the Almighty God has provided you this life for a definite purpose and goal. Stay confident that you will accomplish that definite aim and objective.
- Criticism of others lead to your own loss of power, do not waste time in analyzing or explaining the shortcomings of others, otherwise you will yourself turn your personality into a negative one.
- Stay positive towards the actions and situations in life, over which you have no control. It will be good… It will be good… It will be good…, such thoughts will definitely open new routes for you.
- Immerse yourself in thoughts about your own energy and power, keep mentally repeating the determination to convert yourself into whatever you wish to be, through the means of meditation.
- Stay away from pondering about the past or of the future, because you have to act in the present. “Think only about the current actions”.
- Be positive about the pain of the past or the fear of the future. Do not think about them as agents of agony because both past and present are interrogative. Why? How? What now? How now? All of these questions are interrogative, while your present is focused on current actions – “I am doing this” is the basic point.
- Put yourself to work as per a definite schedule and routine, keep analyzing and assessing at regular intervals, and change your working style or artistry (creation), etc. accordingly. If you need to setup a new rule, then set it up as well.
- Human beings have very limited time and infinite desires. Exercise full control over your mind and intellect to propel it towards the directions of your objectives and keep assessing and analyzing your determination.
- Leave the race to own every beautiful and valuable item, to become the best in all knowledge, beauty, strength, tenacity and fame. Rather analyze yourself about your own inner eternal attributes and determine to become the best through these attributes. Be very crisp and clear about your goals. Your life will assume defeat as soon as you deviate from your goals. Have very definite and clear goals.
- Your pure determination, your inner sense of humility is the greatest source of your powers, and you ought to develop this. The new chapter of your powers emanates from here.