सफलता का सरल सिद्धान्त (Simple Principles for Success)
Simple Principles for Success
Adapt these Five principles
To guarantee your success
To perform work and to obtain success in work is not as hard as you may think,
After all you have to perform the work,
And you wish to be successful,
Then you should imbibe these five principles,
You will certainly obtain success
Many factors are required to succeed in any area of life, continuous constant and uninterrupted hard preparation is mandatory prior to an “examination” to achieve success. A little oversight in preparation can take away success from the grasp. A slight mistake may impact fulfilment of desires. The path to success is very difficult and complex. Success depends on multiple factors, some of which are as follows –
A defined goal is mandatory to achieve success
Numerous activities are going on in the world. The power and capacity of a person is limited within a defined perimeter. Any single person cannot sustain the burden of many goals and multiple programs simultaneously. A person cannot run around in several directions. Every person desirous of success, will have to choose a specific goal. He will have to make it his basic target. He will have to accordingly embark on related activities. In a vast and spread-out war theatre, the leader of a small military unit confronts the enemy by opening a single front, and when he gives a sustained battle on that front, then he definitely achieves success. The same principle applies to the struggles in life.
The targets should be set at the time when many options are open to you and you can deliberately select any one of them; choose the preferred one and move ahead. Do not think rashly while selecting a target, because it may change your life.
The first requirement of success is selection of a specific goal in life, a purpose and a task-assignment in life. This has been the sole differentiator between the great people and the common folk in the world. Those destined to be great, focus their entire energies by driving towards a single direction. On the other hand, the ordinary people, keep on wondering from here to there, and do not achieve any significant success in life.
One reason that many people fail in life is that they do not choose a specific goal or direction for themselves. A person wondering from tasks to task, from first to second, then leaving second for the third one; can never attain success in anything. So define a specific direction for your life, and continue to follow on that direction. Many people spend a lot of time on one task, and then leave it midway to focus on a second one. Hence many people face only failure in life.
Many people do exert their energies on some tasks, but their mind keeps wondering to some other topic; such people cannot attain complete success in their work. For example, sitting at the shop counter, but thinking about a park. Working in a office, but the mind is entangled in political machinations. So they do not obtain success in any task. A goal might be very small and minuscule, but if a person continues to focus on it with full determination till the end, only then will he be able to taste success. The basic formula of success is to do everything possible to accomplish the task in hand.
Utilization of Power and Ability – Integrity
The steam gets generated only after heating up water till a particular temperature, the steam which pushes and provides energy to a giant heavy engine to move ahead. If this steam leaks out, or if the water is not heated to the required temperature, then the adequate steam will not get generated, and the engine will not be able to proceed ahead. We also need to concentrate and focus all our energies to reach our desired goal and achieve our aim in this engine of life. The necessary ability is required to accomplish any task.
After setting up the goal, we should develop our capabilities to achieve this; this will require a continuous knowledge and practice; develop your abilities so that you remain worthy to participate in the race to achieve the target, do not take any risk which pushes you out of this race.
Until a person exerts his entire strength and ability towards achievement of his aims, the probability of his success remains questionable. Working half-heartedly, treating the work as a big burden, only results in failure. We don’t accomplish anything only by desiring for a task or solely by choosing a particular target. We need to exert all our energies and capabilities with firm determination and full focus to complete the task, to achieve the aims. To desire favourable results without any labour or exertions is a day-dream akin to plucking out the stars. Therefore, utilize your entire strength and ability to obtain success, to accomplishment your goals. Take a vow to proceed ahead with full exertions.
Comprehensive perspective – Enlarge your Mental Approach –
It is acceptable to consider your interests and wishes while selecting any opportunity in life, but ignorance and inexperience severely limits and narrows down the list of such opportunities. In such situations, many people ignore lots of golden opportunities due to lack of interest. However, persons with firm determination and will-power can make extensive use of these opportunities to reach remarkable levels of success. It also happens that a person wastes opportunities by just waiting for a favourable time or moment literally. As a result they only get failure at the end. Therefore, anyone desiring excellence, or desiring excellent opportunities, should mentally motivate self into enjoying the task at hand; only then by performing the task with full exertions, continuously , will he definitely achieve success. A person should expand the scope of his interests and wishes. He should not let any golden or significant opportunity slip him by. Assumptions like “I do not like it, it does not look good, I am not interested in it” etc. are strict limitations which inhibit progress and development. We should not be dependent on the motivation of the work-process, desire or wishes; rather accomplishing tasks should be a basic part of our nature and attitude. A person who indulges in the task ahead, instead of worrying about his interests or desires; will always attain accomplishments one after the another.
Take some Risk at least –
Often people are afraid, are hesitant to follow a possibility, or to take some risk for success. People always desire to achieve complete success without taking any risk. But the success does not come near anyone who is afraid of or averse to face any danger or risk. People who proceed ahead in the face of dangerous risk, are the ones greeted by success. Those who hesitate or do not commit to anything, due to fear of future dangers or risky circumstances, will never be able to succeed.
When we proceed ahead on our path to our goals, then multiple problems, obstacles, worries and failures come our way; we should face these circumstances and continue to progress ahead, fully concentrated on our target goal. Even if we have to go through any adverse situation.
How can we achieve success in various struggles of life without any strength or courage to face any fear? A failure obtained on the path of courage and strength is much better than sitting in inaction due to fears of future. Does not even take a single step ahead due to fear. The first person will continue to forge ahead despite failures; and will definitely attain success one day.
Face your fears, Forge ahead in the dangers with courage and fortitude. One cannot achieve any significant success in life without taking any risk.
Consider Work as a Game –
It is imperative to bear a sportsman spirit while treading on one’s path, while engrossed in one’s tasks and assignments. We should treat work as a game. A person who thinks of work as a burden, will certainly get engulfed by its weight midway. He will not be able to achieve success. Even if he achieves success, he will get so tired and exhausted, that he will not be able to enjoy the fruits of his success. We should not sacrifice our fun, relaxation and peace, while immersed in hard work.
It is much easier to achieve our aims by working continuously; and it is very difficult and important to maintain that continuity. Achievement of aims does not mean that our responsibilities have been diminished, rather they have now gotten increased. Now we have to execute those responsibilities and duties which we have now received after achievement of our goal; to maintain the dignity and sanctity of the goal. We should not let the work ride us; rather we should be able to control our work. Our attitude and nature should have a basic deposition to perform tasks, to move ahead towards our goals.
We should have enough confidence in our life that the ghost of work does not bother us while eating, sleeping or relaxing. Even if a person is offered the splendour of heaven by trading his joy, peace or contentment; it is better for a rational person to reject such a trade. Treat work as a game. Thus it will complement your vigour instead of preying on your energies.