अपनों से अपनी बात – July 15
अपनों से अपनी बात…
Every human being has a typical desire in his life and that desire is the desire for change. No one wants the status quo, each person wants to change to progress upwards. Whatever be the deficiencies in his life, he wishes to remove those insufficiencies. He constantly strives towards this, and his only goal is to obtain comfort in his life. I advise to look for happiness instead of comfort in life. The comfort will automatically come wherever there is happiness, and this happiness is not an external situation. This happiness is not out somewhere, rather it is inside, within the human mind. We need to alter the course of thinking of this mind. The preparation for this is also required to be done from the within. When strong desires (ambitions) surround the mind, then the person becomes ready to fulfill them, and these strong desires (ambitions) take him into the trap of the mirage of happiness. I recommend that you do not have to work like a machine, rather you need to activate your inner source of happiness quietly and calmly. The work which you perform with your inner desire, becomes distinctive and exceptional.
Do not seek happiness from others, we need to fulfill the relationships to live in the society. Many relationships are bitter, and many other relationships are sweet. Some want to steal your happiness from you. But if you remain calm within, then whenever these bitter relationships try to snatch your happiness, you ought to look inside and understand the inner emotions of your mind. When are are able to activate the calmness inside, and attain inner peace in your mind, then these external relationships will not be able to bother you.
For this, first you must have absolute faith and trust in yourself. Some people receive so many deceptions in their life that they live their entire life in doubt and disbelief. When the inner distrust grows, we begin to distrust even our close relations. We live immersed in doubts all the time. The nature of belief and disbelief is connected more with us rather than with others. A person who does not believe in himself, can hardly believe in others. The belief is also the reflection of disbelief. You should utilize your entire energy to enhance your belief and faith. Tell your inner voice that whatever I will do, I will do it in the right way. My every action will be based on truth, will be dependent on truth; and when this feeling intensifies then there is no need for agreement-disagreement or trust-distrust with others. We start getting joy from our own actions, and we start to make ourselves responsible instead of blaming others for success or failure in any task. It also enables us to easily handle the benefits or losses arising from our decisions.
This world has been termed as a net of illusions, the illusory mesh means to get involved in such things which we already knew and not finding a way out from those complications. We daily meet new people in the society, and everyone is taking actions due to their own self-interest. Conflict occurs due to clash of these self-interests. So, all the relationships in this society arise through the results of these conflicts in the world, and these confusions are called as illusory mesh, but you should never bring this external conflict into your own home.
Family is the purest form of love. We need to establish love in our domestic life and family. The advent of love will kindle a desire to live for each other, and generates a realization of ambition, duty and responsibility automatically. It is important to make God, Divinity, SadGuru as focal central point of the family. Look for something new and good within each family-member daily, this deepens the relationship. Do not consider family as a delusion or illusion. The crisis comes in every family, and mutual conflict keeps occurring. Similar events occurred in Lord Rama’s home and also in Lord Krishna’s family. The conflict between the children of Shree-Krishna increased to such a high level that He had to remark to Balram that – We need to take some concrete measures to resolve this.
I again emphasize that the core focal point of the family should be God, family-members should be willing to offer something to each other, there should be a sense of sacrifice, with no expectation of getting anything back in return, there should be a spirit of sacrifice for each other, and a desire to live for each other, then this will definitely bring peace within your family.
There is a specific reason behind my mention of the family. The Shravan month is arriving in a few days and the Shravan month is the favorite month of Lord Shiva and SadaShiva is the ideal model of domestic life. If we look deeply within Lord Shiva’s family, He remains so calm, peaceful, totally engrossed in blissful Samadhi, while Shakti is so intense, one child is Lambodar, second child is Kartikeya, always full of anger, and other members of the family are lion, bull, mouse, peacocks, snakes etc. Even such a family always stays in harmony due to Shiva as the focal point. The key focus on Shiva automatically brings in peace and cooperation within the diversity. Therefore Riddhi-Siddhi and Subh-Labh are integral members of Lord Shiva’s family.
The foundation of domestic life is obtaining joy, fortune, and attainment of Riddhi-Siddhi bliss.
Remember that bliss in life are not just based on unplanned actions and struggles, This bliss can be obtained only from the nectar pool of peace and contentment, and such a master pool exists within each individual. Taste the joy of this immortality pool. Do not be dependent on others for your happiness. Find your happiness within yourself and make SadGuru God as the central point of your life.
When I state that the prayers, aarti, worship in a family should be performed collectively, the root reason behind this is that when we make SadGuru as the core focal point of our life, then we do not fear obstacles and we do not swell with pride on getting comforts. We keep on working with love and goodwill within any circumstance. SadGurudev implies goodwill. We need to first develop this feeling with the family, only then it will extend in your clan-relationships, society, the locality and the city itself.
Keep working with goodwill and well-intentions, and it is not necessary to have struggle and conflict in every situation of life. It is important to have good intentions and goodwill in all circumstances. The conflict revolves around a desire to defeat someone, while a good-faith action is filled with progress and elevation of the self. You yourself are the focal point of this world, the entire universe revolves around you. So convert yourself into a Sadhak of this life-path, and you will automatically obtain successes and accomplishments graciously from Gurudev. You should continue to perform your actions with full faith and trust.
YogasthaH Kuru Karmaani Sadagn Tyaktwa Dhananjaye |
SiddhyasiddhyoH Samo Bhutwa Samtwam Yog Uchchayate ||
Buddhiyukto Jahatih Ubhe Sukritdushkrite |
Tasmadhogaaye Yujayeswa YogaH Karmasu Kaushalam ||
You should act in every situation in your life with a sense of assimilation, and the Siddhi will automatically be yours. A person having assimilation and goodwill fills his life with joy, and he becomes free from the cycle. Complete your each task with full sincerity, diligence and skills. Live life as a detached observer, watch dispassionately. Do not impose yourself mentally on anyone, and do not let anyone impose mentally on you.
SadGuru is not far from you, SadGuru is not different from you. SadGuru is within yourself, within your soul. Bow to Him within the deep recesses of your heart, become a person full of actions.
Cordially yours
Nand Kishore Shrimali